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Partial braces and molar brackets

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 6:36 am
by Cisne
Hi all! I just got my braces a week ago. I'm 39 (today). Anyway, I have brackets on the front six top and bottom, but I also have brackets on my molars, but not wires. Any idea why?
Thanks :)

Re: Partial braces and molar brackets

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:13 pm
by agrace90
You should ask your ortho and I'm sure he/she would tell you why. Maybe they will attack the rest of the teeth later (like mine) or just want the bracket there for elastics. Definitely just ask your doctor though.

Re: Partial braces and molar brackets

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:43 pm
by Cisne
Thanks :) I'lll be sure to ask when I next go!

Re: Partial braces and molar brackets

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 1:30 pm
by sirwired
I've heard of this on here before; I think if there is a lot of alignment work to be done they don't want to "engage" the whole arch at once. Alternatively, if your molars are right where he/she wants them, the initial alignment stage might pull them out of whack.

Re: Partial braces and molar brackets

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:59 pm
by smiley1305
Cisne wrote:Hi all! I just got my braces a week ago. I'm 39 (today). Anyway, I have brackets on the front six top and bottom, but I also have brackets on my molars, but not wires. Any idea why?
Thanks :)

Hi Cisne. I just came upon your post. I just got braces a couple weeks ago and I also have partial braces on the front 6 teeth top and bottom as well as molar bands. I actually was unsure why I had that too and what is interesting is I had different orthos come up with the same partial braces plan. I do recall my ortho saying that my bite in the back teeth were perfectly aligned so maybe they didn't want to mess with them.

On another note I was curious as to how your treatment has gone so far? I haven't found anyone else who has partial braces.

Re: Partial braces and molar brackets

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 9:25 am
by catwanabee
Yup same here the reason my ortho gave me was also perfectly aligned molars

Re: Partial braces and molar brackets

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 8:39 pm
by Cisne
Hi! Things are going well. I'm about 2 apts. into my final wire, but how much longer to debrace date is up in the air. We are taking a break from using buttons to move things due to mouth irritation. I'm very please so far, and am glad of my choice of partial treatment and ortho!
Best of luck,