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Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:31 am
by bovine
I got braced about 7 months ago now, amazing how time has flown. If everythings correctly I only have 1.5yrs left.... Man that sounds like a long time.... My upper teeth have realigned nicely with a few gaps left behind my incisors. I'm told these will be closed after the biteplane that was installed comes out. Got the lowers braced yesterday as well.

Getting used to the BP is a bit of a challenge I'm finding. I can talk with a lisp but it's already lessening. My issue is eating mainly. Shakes, mashed taters, and pudding so far. I find I'm freaking starving though I'm filling my gut up. Any one have suggestions on what I can ingest? The gap that I have with the biteplane is a good 2-3mm so my jaw doesn't even come close to closing all the way.

I'm also debating about wax on the lower front brackets. My lip was rubbed pretty raw and sore by the end of work yesterday and I ended up waxing the brackets pretty good. I'm not sure if I want to keep doing this or just let my lip rip, bleed, heal, rip again, and finally start to build up a resistance to it like the insides of my cheeks did for the hooks for bands.


Re: milestone

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 9:43 pm
by hidakat
Use the wax for a few days to give your mouth time to heal, then see how you feel. Over time you'll develop thicker skin and soon it won't bother you anymore.

Re: milestone

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 8:34 am
by Lbroughman
When my lower brackets were rubbing on my lip I used the wax at night but not during the day. I found that it healed better that way. I sometimes had to durning the day if it got really bad but remember that if you wear it all the time your mouth will never get used to it. But I'm sure you already know this through experience with your uppers.

Re: milestone

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 7:12 pm
by phasesofbeauty
Food Suggestions:

Cream of Wheat
Soft Scrambled Eggs
Soft Mac and Cheese
Ice Cream

Re: milestone

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 2:24 am
by nicolie825
Protein will make you feel fuller. Protein shakes, eggs, cheese, greek yogurt, etc