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new braces pain

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 12:43 am
by FrostedAlyssa
Ok so i just found your website and i couldnt be happier this is my 2nd full day of having braces and this is my secind time having them and i have to have then for a year to fix a class two. And when i take a pain reliever my teeth dont hurt verry much but i have to have rubber bands stretching from my bottom back teeth to the top canines on both sides and it rubs on my cheeks and its really painfull i jave to wear them 24/7 and i dont know how to ease the pain. Also when i try to eat my molers dont touch and thar makes it really uncomfortable to eat whar can i do about that? Please answer i am on so much pain.

Re: new braces pain

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:07 am
by Lolasays
You will find the braces painful/ uncomfortable at first. Give it a week. if it still hurts speal to your orthodontist.

I wor braces 4 years ago and had similar issues.

Re: new braces pain

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:40 am
by Ciara
Give it some time. It should get better with time. I don't have elastics yet this time but when I had them as a teenager, I found them very annoying but I did eventually get used to them.

Re: new braces pain

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:33 am
by sirwired
Cheek pain is perfectly normal; the soft tissues there just aren't used to the pointy metal objects now rubbing them.

There are several ways to reduce the pain: You can coat the pointy bits with orthodontic wax, which your orthodontist should have given you (or can give you if you ask.) You can use OTC oral medications like Rincinol, Gly-Oxide, or Ora-Gel to help with the pain.

- Rincinol (which may have to be special-ordered by a drugstore) will coat the irritated spots, helping them heal (I used it at night when I first got braces.)
- Gly-Oxide (or generic) is a Carbamide Peroxide solution that will debride the irritated spots, promoting healing.
- Ora-Gel (or generic) is a 'caine anesthetic that will deaden the nerves.

Re: new braces pain

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:28 pm
by isthistaken
I had the same situation; I didn't use wax or any rinses. I found that eating cold foods was soothing, such as ice-cold sorbet, frozen yogurt, frapuccinos, anything cold and smooth that you can get your hands on to get you through those first weeks.