Pain Close to the End

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Pain Close to the End

#1 Post by JillD »

Is it normal to still feel pain or pressure on the teeth even when one is close to debanding? I feel slight discomfort on two of my teeth right now and I will be debraced in a week. It is funny that I didn't have much pain throughout the treatment (or I easily forgot pain) and now I feel every little thing.

Also someone said that your teeth will look very different without braces, so you cannot really imagine what they will look like with braces on. Is it true?

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Re: Pain Close to the End

#2 Post by Snowglobe32 »

Hi Jill,

I haven't had any pain...other than from my elastics when I wake up but I wouldn't worry too much about it. Maybe your teeth are sad because they know they will be losing their best buddies next week! :D

As for teeth looking different, I have ceramic brackets on top, when I get my wire out for cleanings, my teeth look huge and white! I can't wait to see the end result. My ortho and most of the staff said I will be very happy and that my teeth will look amazing. I, of course, can't see anything but brackets and wires at this point.

We have seen many "after" photos on this board and I have yet to see a bad one!

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Re: Pain Close to the End

#3 Post by bmueller »

Yes, I had pain until the very end. Actually my teeth hurt for the next day after I got the braces off. My dreams of eating all those forbidden foods went on hold for a day... but I made up for it!

You have no clue what your teeth look like until they take the braces off. I had linguals but had tons of buttons/brackets on the outside and it was just as big of a WOW as if I had full ceramic or metals on the outside.

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Re: Pain Close to the End

#4 Post by dvn »

I'm taking impressions for debanding in a few weeks, and my teeth are still sore from my last adjustment, so I guess it's normal.

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