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Problem with not being able to rest my jaw fully?

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 4:09 am
by bluebird1
My problem is an overjet caused by a lower jaw that is too far back (probably because my upper arch is too narrow for it to have come out any further).

The orthodontist told me that everybody should be able to bang their teeth loudly together so they make a clacking sound. I can't do this. I can make my teeth touch to some extent, but not entirely either because I'm subconsciously resisting or because I actually physically can't.

Now I apparently need a splint to force my teeth into the resting position so the orthodontist can see exactly where my teeth and jaws rest (otherwise he won't be sure how much adjustment is needed).

Does this sound right? What is a splint?

Re: Problem with not being able to rest my jaw fully?

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:57 pm
by TMJJill
I had a couple splints as part of my TMJD treatment.

I had one called a lower mandibular repositioning splint. It helped me settle my bite into it's 'natural' positioning. Over time, my muscles started relaxing quite a bit. I also had PT on my neck and jaw with trigger point releases in the mouth (orofacial) to help relax those muscles. It worked incredibly well for me.

A good resource is a book called The TMJ Healing Plan: Ten Steps To Relieving Headaches, Neck Pain and Jaw Disorders by Cynthia Peterson, PT. It explains a lot about the underlying causes of symptoms, treatment options, and things you can do at home to help.

Re: Problem with not being able to rest my jaw fully?

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 12:56 am
by bluebird1
I don't have TMJ.

Whenever I google splint it comes up with contraptions that are used on a regular basis to treat problems. Can a dentist just put one on for the appointment? Does it work immediately?