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Profile Changes

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:33 pm
by jonxxx
Hi guys, first post here

I hate my protrusive profile and really want to change it, but i'm not too much protrusive and the orthos simply dont want to change my teeh in order tu pull back them and make my profile more aesthetic for me. They say that i'm not protrusive or that if i extract teeth and pulll all back my profile will sunken in. But i'm been looking for some studies and 'i' simply desagree with them. Pople who made the same thing didnt became to dished in. Maybe i'm being stubborn btw

I dont have any other problem beside the protrusion, no crowded teeth, anything like this. All the space generated with the extractions will be used to pull everything back. How much retrusion should i expect with this treatment ?

Ill post some photos and i just want you to give your opinion on how much of my lips will go back and how you think my profile would became. I think my lips are thick enought and it'dd be difficult for them to became thin.
ps: remove the spaces of the links below!

http:// postimg .org/image/wqznrz6r5/
http:// postimg .org/image/xj2br6ay9/
http:// postimg .org/image/h09zkly41/

Re: Profile Changes

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:53 pm
by Leebie3
hi :)

You need to go away and make some more posts before you can post pics.. then we'll be able to help you more..

Re: Profile Changes

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:26 am
by bluebird1
I'm new here so I can't provide much info, but I don't see anything odd about your profile?

Re: Profile Changes

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 5:50 am
by Leebie3
how are you seeing the photos bluebird?

Re: Profile Changes

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 5:51 am
by vegathestar
if your teeth are not flaring out or anything, its not worth getting braces.
Think of all the pain and implications involved.
Forcibly pushing your entire arch back is gonna cause a lack of tongue space (eventually causing tongue thrusting and buck teeth), and extraction of teeth to make space can cause your smile to be narrow and also a sunken face

Re: Profile Changes

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:11 pm
by jonxxx
yeha, i know that i'm not too protrusive, but what makes it is my chin. I have a mandibular protrusion an that makes my chin a little foward and it can hide my protrusion. But if you compare my mouth to my forehead, youll see that my mouth i placed foward and that bothers me. If you look at my xray photo, u'll see that my superior incisor is a little protrusive.

The fact is that i know that my protrusion isnt big enough for a treatment like this, but i'd take the risk to change it. Just would like to know how much my lips can move back, and how do you think my face will be, at least my profile and my mouth.

Orthos dont want to treat me cause they think i dont have any problem. I admit that its just an aesthetic problem, not a dental one but i stll want to change it. Do you think that if i sign something taking the risk by myself, the ortho wd agree to treat me?


Re: Profile Changes

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:13 pm
by jonxxx
[quote="Leebie3"]hi :)

You need to go away and make some more posts before you can post pics.. then we'll be able to help you more..[/quote]

hi!! you can copy the links and remove the spaces, than ull see the pics!

Re: Profile Changes

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:22 pm
by Leebie3
thanks jonxxx :D

I see what you mean but I don't think braces would change that (although I'm not an orthodontist of course :D) I'm wondering if you need to look at seeing a maxillofacial surgeon instead to get the entire jaw moved back if it bothers you that much? .. I know the feeling when everyone says you look fine but you don't feel that way.. I DO have teeth issues as well so the double jaw surgery was an easy decision for me to make but is that something you'd consider?.

Re: Profile Changes

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 9:51 pm
by jonxxx
yeah, i've already though about a jaw surgery, but i dont think it would worth it. I actually like my jaw bone to be big, i think its beautiful for a man, the only problem is about the mouth being foward the jaw, that is already foward the rest of my face. You can pull back just the teeths and not the bone, in my case i think this would be possible.

The reason i think that this is possible is some studies and pics on the web, you just search biprotrusion and you'll find a lot of them. The problem is that my biprotrusion is not tooo big, and my teeth are almost perfect, i actually think that i'm a handsome guy and docs dont want to change my face, afraid of making it worse, on of them said something like this to me.

Maybe orthos are afraid of messing up my mouth by changing it, pullung my mouth too much back. Is hard for a doctor to accept to change good teeths, pulling 4 out, taking the risk to make them worse, just to attempt to make the facial profile of a pacient more arsthetic.. not for him, the ortho, but for the pacient. Hahah, maybe I'm asking too much, but this is sometying tha really bothers me :/

I think i'll try to sign some paper and take the risk, any ortho would do what i want, its just me that see this

Re: Profile Changes

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:28 am
by junkfood1991
I'm not a dental professional, but taking the first premolars out is probably going to make your teeth move back too much and increase your already-nice nasolabial angle. I mean you don't want to look like old people wearing dentures. :shock:

Re: Profile Changes

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 4:22 pm
by jsotang
I quite like your profile! But I know how it feels having something bother you about the way you look and desperately want to change it, despite what other people tell you. Maybe you can find an orthodontist that will show you a simulation of what your teeth/mouth/profile would look like if you had the premolar extractions and braces to close the gaps. My ortho showed me a simulation of what my end-result profile would look like (like you, my main concern is also my profile; my teeth and bite are pretty good as they are), but I had to pay my down payment on the braces before I got to see that. Maybe you can work something out with your ortho? Best of luck, I hope you find a way to get what it is that you want.

Re: Profile Changes

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:00 pm
by jonxxx
yeah.. i know my profile is not tha bad, but still bothers me

i've try to figure out on pain how my profile woud be, but this is sometthing that changes and depends on how the mouth anatomy is. its almost impossible to predict exactly how my face will became, and as i think i'm handsome, its not that hard to ruin my face making something unecessary. Another concern is that face expression marks near the nose, i dont have them but they can appear once i pull my teeth back, dont know how my skin will react. Its time to hink now.. before trying to find another ortho that agrees to treat my case.

Re: Profile Changes

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 1:37 am
by vvirag
I'm not a professional, but I really cannot imagine how this could be look good with teeth-extraction and without no further jaw surgery. Because if your teeth would be pulled back, and your lower jaw would remain where it is now, then what would happen with the (currently beautiful) vertical line from your nose to your chin? :S
I like your profile now anyway. :)

Re: Profile Changes

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 9:22 am
by jonxxx
i just wanted my mouth stayed in the line of my forehead. My mouth may not be too much protude in comparasion with my chin, because my chin is itself protrude, just like many male people. It would be aesthetic if my mouth stayed in the same line or a little retruted in comparasion with my chin, look at the example below: ... /lightbox/

this guy has a big chin and im sure that if we could look him in profile his chin would be a litte protruded in comparasion with his forehead, just like me. But his mouth is in a good position, on the same line of his forehead and a litle back from his chin. My mouth (lips) on the other hand are still protruted from my protrude chin and it gives me a monkey profile.

In short, my chin is protruted and its normal for a man, but most men with protruted chin has a mouth a little back from it, on the same line from the forhead. Im different because my chin is protrude(normal) but my mouth is protrude in comparasion with my chin, so its very protrude in comparasion with the rest of my face. Jus look the third pic and youll see.

Re: Profile Changes

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:51 am
by jonxxx
made it on paint, how i'd like my profile to be

my lips are about 0,4cm back, compared to the real photo, in the real size
i'm afraid of my lips come back more than this, and my profile became dished in, thats what i'd like to know for some pople who made the same treatment, how far your mouth can be pulled back with extractions