Will an expander still work?

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Will an expander still work?

#1 Post by kpw818 »

I had a second ortho consult today, and he also recommended an expander (in addition to double jaw surgery--whoopee!). Both my sisters had expanders (one when she was 20) and they were successful. I guess I thought that when you were older, you needed SARPE? I'm going to trust the orthodontist, I was just curious on what others have done/experienced.


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Re: Will an expander still work?

#2 Post by sirwired »

You'd think this question has been settled by now, but it hasn't. I think a lot probably depends on how much movement is made, and if the lower jaw can help upper expansion "lock" in place.

I will say that if your expander will be followed up by double-jaw surgery, the surgery can take care of whatever the expander couldn't.

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Re: Will an expander still work?

#3 Post by JumpTheDitch »

This is the perennial question - no matter how many times it's answered (and in what manner), it's always open for discussion!

I'm in my 30's, in braces for the second time as an adult, and currently have an upper (sagittal) expander to reverse retraction following previous extractions. I was scheduled to move onto a different expander for lateral expansion next, but my dentist has decided sufficient expansion should be possible with an upper control arch along with upper braces. Ditto 'expanding' my lower arch at the moment (Control Arch plus braces).

In my (extensive) research into my own circumstances I spoke to several orthodontists who specialise in managing 'undoing' extraction orthodontics. Several of whom were adamant adult expansion was indeed not only possible, but something they successfully work with daily. According to those I spoke with, time seemed to be key to the success of the expansion - that is, not going too fast. To be specific - 1mm per month to achieve stable adult expansion (in their experience).

I can only speak for my own situation though, my circumstances never suggested surgery, and my starting position and treatment journey would be much different from your own. I'm sure someone will post now saying that adult expansion is impossible, I guess you can only work with the recommendations you're given by your own ortho!

All the best!




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Re: Will an expander still work?

#4 Post by vvirag »

I would go with JumpTheDitch on this one. In my (extensive) research ;), I found that many orthodontists believe (and practice) in expansion in later age. It would be worth to try, but sirwired is right, everything depends on what progress you would see in the next x months.
Personally I will have an A.L.F. appliance in less then 3 weeks (I'm 25y), which is a promising technique developed by Dr. Darick Nordstrom. In 6 months or so, I could provide more info :)

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Re: Will an expander still work?

#5 Post by kpw818 »

Thanks all! I realized that I posted the question a second time :-+ (and didn't mean to do so). I need to set up emails for when I get responses (will be doing that next... :roll: )

The orthodontist seemed confident. The other orthodontist I saw actually suggested an expander (with surgery) as well, so I guess that is the road taken out here. Maybe mid-20s is still young enough. I would just hate to get started and then have them say "whoops!" we need to do another surgery... :yuck:

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Re: Will an expander still work?

#6 Post by Featheryy1221 »

I'm getting an expander as well! :) I know that I'm nervous that the expander won't work on me (I'm 21). However, my orthodontist has a guy who's in his 30's who he's treating with an expander first and it's worked so far. I think it really just depends on the skill of the orthodontist, and your mouth/teeth/jaw. Hopefully it works out for you! :D Good luck with your journey and your surgery!

Estimated treatment time: 18 months. (6 months- expander, 1 year- braces)
Bonded Rapid Palatal Expander: 10/1/13 - 3/31/14
Upper and Lower Metal Braces: 4/22/14 - 7/14/15
Total treatment time: 21 months

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