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Did Anyone Notice?
Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 6:14 am
by JillD
Those of you who are off braces, did anyone notice that you are free of braces? My braces came off more than a month ago, and I still have to see anyone that notices I am without braces now. I showed my naked teeth to one of my colleagues only, so she knows and we talk about it. Other than that nobody said anything. Looking back, only one person asked about my braces before I mentioned them on my own. So maybe people are just polite. But even this one person who asked me about them hasn't said anything yet. How come nobody says that my teeth look good.
How is your experience?
Re: Did Anyone Notice?
Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 6:38 am
by JumpTheDitch
People are funny. I remember when I had braces the first time, one day out of the blue of the girls at my fire brigade said to me "You've got your braces off, at least I noticed", & looked pointedly at the captain. We all just looked at her. "Year, right - thanks" I said eventually. I think I'd had my braces off for a good six months at the time!
Enjoy being brace-free, the only person you really want to notice is the one doing the flossing - how quick is it now??

Re: Did Anyone Notice?
Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 6:53 pm
by TMJJill
I got my braces off yesterday. I was very excited. (Two days before my birthday. Happy Birthday to me!!)
After 3+ years in treatment for my TMJD, this was huge for me. So far, not one person has said anything or noticed, even those who knew I was getting them off. Really a bit sad. Others just don't seem to care.
At least I know I did something good for myself.
On a side note, it isn't just the braces. I've had behind the ear hearing aids for a little over 2 years now. (My jaw discs had slipped and my jaw had pushed back into my ear resulting in ear problems and a significant hearing loss.) Anyway, a couple weeks ago, I was meeting with my boss and he asked me about a Mini-Tek remote I had clipped on my shirt. It allows me to adjust the programming in my hearing aids when I'm in meetings and I can use it to make my hearing aids Blue_tooth (this is not SPAM) compatible. I wear it frequently. When my boss asked me about the remote, it was like he was seeing it for the first time. When I told him it was for my hearing aids, he was surprised I wear them. I make no bones about my hearing loss because I want others around me to know so I don't miss too much. I even mentioned to my boss when I got the hearing aids 2 years ago and when I have my follow-up appointments. It floored me that he didn't know I wore them. BTW, I have short over the ear hair most of the time so it isn't like I hide them with my hair. Like I said, most of the time, we care more than those around me.
Thanks for letting me rant. It was a bit of a let-down today after I was so excited yesterday. Also, I'm in pain tonight. My ear and jaw hurt--not sure if it is from the 2 1/2 hours in the dental chair yesterday triggering some TMJD symptoms or if one of the teeth he contoured for me needs to be adjusted a bit. I guess that has influenced my mood tonight. Uggghhh!
Re: Did Anyone Notice?
Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 3:30 am
by JumpTheDitch
Oh no Jill, that sucks! Cheer yourself (and us) up with some debanded pics!

Re: Did Anyone Notice?
Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 1:25 pm
by veginess
Haha... no one said anything to me when I got my braces off two weeks ago except those that I forced to say something by grinning super big and saying "I got my braces off! Don't my teeth look awesome!??" lol! Hardly anyone ever asked me about my braces so I didn't expect to hear a lot about not having them anymore either. What is fantastic, though, is FLOSSING!! And taking pictures! I have taken SO many selfies the past two weeks. I look damn good, if I do say so myself.

Re: Did Anyone Notice?
Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:00 am
by dvn
I was just debraced a few days ago, and yesterday I went to an event with people who knew I had them, and no one noticed they were gone, but that's fine with me. I'd prefer not to make a big scene about it anyway lol.