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Anyone notice that their teeth are now in a worse condition?
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 3:43 am
by oimysizex
Ever since I have had my braces on my teeth are so yellow and look awful. I just feel so self conscious about them they feel so weak and brittle feel like they'd crumble if I ate something hard, I look after my teeth more than before braces, my teeth have gone from a cross bite into an underbite (ortho is pushing my top teeth back to prepare me for surgery) and I just feel like my teeth are gonna chip because most of them at the back sit directly on top of my bottom, is this normal?

I feel like just having them taken off

Re: Anyone notice that their teeth are now in a worse condit
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 3:48 am
by kathydell
I've had those moments too. My adhesive yellowed very fast due to using Crest ProHealth before I knew about the issue there so I feel like my teeth look very yellow. It's taken me a while to get it to look better but I'm still self conscious about it it. I also have times where it feels like my teeth will fall right out of my head or shatter completely from hitting each other. Keep in mind, before I started this process my teeth didn't touch at all, anywhere. After talking with my ortho, it's a normal feeling because my bite is so different. My one advice always it talk to your ortho. If you have questions or concerns, talk with him or her. They will either help you fix the issue or put your mind at ease that it's normal and just causing you challenges because it's different than what you're used to.
Re: Anyone notice that their teeth are now in a worse condit
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 4:00 am
by oimysizex
Thank your reply, some of my teeth didn't touch at all, which now just clash and it just doesn't feel right I do have an app with my ortho next Thursday, but I don't wanna sound like an idiot? How did you get them whiter or less yellow ???
Re: Anyone notice that their teeth are now in a worse condit
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 4:36 am
by sirwired
If you are a tea drinker, (esp. hot), I found out the hard way that that will stain braced teeth in a hurry.
In any case, your bite feeling horrible is an expected part of pre-surgery orthodontics. (I hope your ortho explained this.) I, too, have had the times where I bite down and I wonder if I chipped a tooth. (And the strain the mis-aligned bite put on my gums made tooth cleanings a bit painful due to an unhappy gumline.) Luckily no teeth have been chipped, and my surgery is now a month in the past.
Re: Anyone notice that their teeth are now in a worse condit
Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:18 pm
by veginess
Oh man, my adhesive got soooo yellow. I basically spent the last year of braces with dingy looking teeth and there wasn't anything really I could do about it. I actually thought my teeth were what had turned yellow, but when I got my braces off and the glue scraped off, I was surprised to see my teeth looking as white as they were the day the braces had been put on! I thought I was going to spend a fortune on whitening but was happy to see that a short course of crest whitestrips would do me just fine. My only advice for you is to forge through, try not to be self-conscious, and remember that when your braces come off, your teeth are going to look fan-freaking-tastic.