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New to braces: elastics

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:41 am
by shelbers

I am 22 y/o and I am getting braces next week. Can you opt to get elastics to correct the bite right away? I am super excited about getting braces and I want to move the process right along! Another question is how does the dentist clean your teeth at a regular check up when you have braces? Do they take the wires off?

Thanks in advance!

Re: New to braces: elastics

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 7:24 am
by sirwired
When/where/if you get elastics is determined by your treatment plan. Some people get them straight off, others late in the process; it all depends on what needs doing, so you'll just have to ask your orthodontist.

Every dental hygienist should know how to work around brackets and wires. While you can certainly have the wire taken off by your ortho, have your teeth cleaned by your dentist, and drive back to the ortho to have the wire put back on, it's not really necessary. My hygienist uses a stiff cone-shaped brush instead of the usual cup-shaped thing to polish my teeth. It's messier and takes longer, but it works.

What's more important is your own oral care. Flossing and thorough brushing are very important, and these things will take longer once you have braces.

Re: New to braces: elastics

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 8:54 am
by djspeece
Sirwired makes great points and I would certainly concur FWIW. My dentist and ortho practice in the same location, so I am fortunate to schedule a cleaning and an adjustment on the same day with minimal impact to my schedule. I have the cleaning first after hopping into the ortho's space to have the wires removed. The slight downside is that the ortho team is not onsite every day, so that limits my appointment options a bit but so far (16 months) it has not created an issue. Best of luck to you.

Re: New to braces: elastics

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 9:05 am
by chichi
To be honest, you may think you want elastics right away, but you probably don't. The braces alone will be enough to get used to.

You'll have them at the appropriate point in your treatment, whenever that might be. You can ask your ortho what his/her plan is and whether there would be any benefit in getting them earlier.

As far as cleanings go, I have mine done with wires in. The cleanings don't differ much from braces-free cleanings. Time-wise, my cleanings with braces haven't been any longer than cleanings without braces.

Re: New to braces: elastics

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 10:18 am
by kids041
My dentist prefers to have the wires out. So I do the whole 3 apt. thing. Otho- wires off, Dentist- clean teath, Ortho- wires on.

Re: New to braces: elastics

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 10:51 am
by shelbers
Thank you for the all the feedback! I did ask my orthodontist initially about elastics but I couldn't remember what he said so I was just curious if it is something people can opt to do. As for the cleaning, I asked my dentist today when I went in for a standard cleaning how he does things with braces and he said that I would not have take the wires off and that the cleaning just takes a little longer.

Thanks again for all the feedback!