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Are your braces a topic of conversation?

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:27 am
by sara2280
I have had my braces for almost 2 weeks now and over the past 2 weeks we have had several family events and even events out with friends. I have not tried to hide the fact that I have braces now but had not brought it up an just acted and engaged as I normally would. In every event, I get the question, "Are you wearing braces?" This is then followed up with "Why? You had nice teeth to begin with." I then am forced to explain my bite issues and what it is doing to my back teeth and if I don't fix it what would happen and so on and so forth. I find it intriguing that the fact one gets braces is such a topic of conversation, especially when no one really talked about my teeth or mouth before. Although this weekend I did get tired of explaining bite issues and told a friend that I got braces because I felt like it and thought it would be a great accessory. Seems more fun to make up stories and crack jokes.

Has anyone else encountered the hot topic of our mouth and/or people questioning why you got braces?

Re: Are your braces a topic of conversation?

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:33 am
by chichi
Yes, people did question it at first. Very few people knew I was getting braces before I actually got them, so everyone else got to be surprised. Almost everyone asked why and said my teeth are straight enough...

Even now, my family and friends will ask to see my teeth and then they'll tell me it looks like I'm done (I'm definitely not) and they can't understand why I'll still be wearing them for another year.

Re: Are your braces a topic of conversation?

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:40 am
by Woobster
Mine have been on for nearly 5 months now and honestly, while I know people have noticed them, most don't ask me about them. The ones who do can be a little obnoxious about it (I got mine for bite issues as well, not cosmetic) asking, "Why? Your teeth were straight!" I just tell them I have bite problems and move along.

I've only had one persone make awkward/rude comments, and that person doesn't have any concept of social appropriateness on a good day. So, the comments weren't totally unexpected.

A number of people have actually expressed that they wish they had the nerve to go back and get braces too. That always makes me feel a little better about them. :-#)

Re: Are your braces a topic of conversation?

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 7:53 am
by sara2280
Chichi, I didn't really mention them to anyone either. Prior to getting them the only people that knew were my mom, my husband, my best friend, and my dentist (she's a friend of mine as well and the one who referred me to an orthodontist to begin with). Other than that, didn't tell anyone and just figured I would cross that bridge when someone questioned it. Plus, how does that even come up in conversation?? Would be a really random tangent to take in a conversation. Have noticed that people seem to look at my mouth more. Wondering if they notice something but are not sure as I have ceramic uppers and lowers and are not really visible. The only people who really ask me are people that know me. Many people just think orthodontics is a cosmetic thing for crooked teeth. My Ortho said the same thing.

I am so sorry that someone was rude to you! That is not ok. My husband and I have worked a lot with kids and adults that do not have those social filters so I totally understand! I have had some people tell me they wished they got braces or they share their experiences with orthodontics. Kind of funny, it's like a secret club. The best though is kids. They ask questions, want to touch them, etc. I kind of feel like an Ortho embassador with some kids that I know are starting treatment. They think it is really cool that I have braces. Kind of wish I had that as a kid. I had braces for 3 years and it was something no really talked about but many had them. Might have worn my elastics more as a kid or my retainers and would not be back here today. Who knows.

Thank you for the replies!!! Best of luck and continued progress!!!

Re: Are your braces a topic of conversation?

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:02 am
by MrsCharisma
Yes and it's annoying.

What they say: "I liked your gap"

What I think: (So. How does that help me?)

What I say: Yeah well...I didn't like that my teeth were rotating due to having a gap.

What they say: "You didn't need braces. Why are you wasting your money?"

What I think: (Operative word: MY money. Not yours. Hush.)

What I say: Good thing I work everyday! :)

What they say: "Oh your teeth look fine now. Why do you have to keep them on?"

What I think: ( :shock: Didn't know you moonlight as an orthodontist...)

What I say: :D

Re: Are your braces a topic of conversation?

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:41 am
by ljms
I've had braces for almost five months. Yes, people ask about them.

Unlike others who have replied, my teeth were/are very crowned. People aren't asking me "Why?" They're asking me "Why now?" Since I'm in my mid-fifties, it's a good question so I answer it. My choice was braces to straighten and stabilize my teeth or start loosing teeth.

Everyone has been very supportive and I haven't received a single negative or insensitive comment. I am extremely fortunate to have such wonderful family, friends, and coworkers. :D

Re: Are your braces a topic of conversation?

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 12:57 pm
by SunshineRay
lol MrsCharisma.

It actually has been more lately and Im almost at 8 mos (I think!) Someone asked me about them yesterday because her son was thinking about getting them and she said how she can hardly see mine etc.

Re: Are your braces a topic of conversation?

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 1:37 pm
by djspeece
I get an occasional inquiry. Based on what I perceive the asker's motivation is, I either give them my patented death stare that indicates "Really none of your business" to a flippant "Well, I wanted to have the nicest smile in the cemetary." Well those are the extremes. A lot of people just notice and I say that I had some issues that I want to correct in order to avoid problems down the road. And I am pretty far down the road...

Re: Are your braces a topic of conversation?

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 2:22 pm
by mapleleafman888
There really hasn't been a whole lot of conversation about my braces. Every once in a while a couple family members will ask me how they have been for me so far. The family members who have asked/commented the most have actually been braces wearers at one point or another so we share experiences.

No stranger has ever commented at all, but I do quite often see people looking at my mouth and not my eyes. It's funny, all the cashiers at the supermarket seem to have braces, it's near a high school so they are probably students and that's when I feel super awkward lol!

Re: Are your braces a topic of conversation?

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:19 pm
by Haagi
Yep its hell on earth, but oh well: IT GETS BETTER <3

Re: Are your braces a topic of conversation?

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:33 pm
by samoorelaw
LOL MrsCharisma!

I OFTEN get questions about the braces by those who actually notice them:

Them: "Why do you have braces?

Me: "My bite is wearing my teeth down and I will need root canals on most of my teeth and/or crowns if I don't fix it now. I also need them to align my jaws in preparation for jaw surgery."

Them (including my boss): "You're crazy for getting that surgery, you don't need it. Have you thought about the complications?"

Me: (thinking: Why no, I haven't thought about it at all. I figured I was bored and in need of a change so why not have slightly-inconvenient braces/jaw surgery?") "Yes, I've thought this through since I was a teenager and I am tired of chewing my food on just one side, being unable to comfortably hold my scuba regulator in my mouth, and just having my overall quality of life affected by my bite, such as headaches, nose-breathing problems, sleep problems, etc." (Yes, I actually say the "etc.").

Them: "You're still crazy."

Me: "Yes, I'll concede that point, but I'm crazy for other reasons. Also, perhaps you should mind your own damn business? Hmm? Just a thought. Toodles!"

Re: Are your braces a topic of conversation?

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:06 pm
by TMJJill
I had my braces on for 2 years and wore a splint for a year before that.

Honestly, hardly anyone noticed at all. It was a big (and expensive) deal for me and people didn't care. I had one co-worker who I see pretty much every day not notice for a year. They didn't notice for 4 months when I got them off either...4 months ago.

Those who did notice didn't understand why I got them. It was frustrating for those I'm a bit closer to because I'd been in some pretty extreme pain from TMJ prior to getting them. They still didn't get it. I just figured that I'm doing something good for myself and that was all that counted.

I will say that I'm much more aware of other people's teeth now. I saw so few adults in braces that I always wanted to say something (because we were in the same 'club') but that was pretty awkward so I usually didn't.

Ironically, I ended up needing 2 behind-the-ear hearing aids from major hearing loss caused by my jaw being pushed into my ears. I got them a month after my braces went on. Nobody noticed those either, and I had a haircut that was over the ear short. Those who I did discuss it with seem to forget because when I make comments now about not being able to hear something I have to re-explain that I have the hearing aids. At times, it really makes you question the actual compassion of those you are around.

I'm not good with the 'smart' responses some people on this board come up with. I wish I was though. I get a kick out of some of them.

Because it took me over a year to get my TMJD diagnosis and find treatment, I'd actually welcome conversation on the braces because I could help make others aware of how wicked the TMJD can be.

Re: Are your braces a topic of conversation?

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 2:51 am
by BracesB4Thirty
I had that alot in the first few months Sara but now it's "oh wow your vampire teeth have disappeared" :lol:

Re: Are your braces a topic of conversation?

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:32 am
by sara2280
It is amazing how vastly different everyone's experiences are. I look at orthodontic treatment as a necessary thing to do and to question someone's motives for getting it seems wrong. We seem to live in a society now that embraces cosmetic changes like Botox, plastic surgery, etc. It seems like in those instances many people are happy and excited for those that "have work done". Those for the most part are usually unnecessary and optional for the most part. Although I do realize there are times when those things are medically necessary. I have a friend that gets Botox treatments due to Bell's Palsy. It makes sense. I also know a lot of people who have gotten gastric bypass and their motives were never questioned as it is deemed medically necessary for them. Why is this any different?

No matter the reason you sought orthodontic treatment whether through dental referral or because you wanted to fix something that bothered you. You made the right choice and are doing something for your health!

In my own parents I have seen their own dental struggles with partials, dentures, and snap on smiles. I didn't want to go down that same road. I prefer to keep my teeth thank you and am willing to do whatever it takes no matter how uncomfortable it may be at times.

Questions and looks may come over time but smile and answer with pride because we are making a positive choice for our health!

Thank you for all the replies! You all have shown and given me a new confidence with all this!!! Thank you!

Re: Are your braces a topic of conversation?

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 1:37 pm
by MrsCharisma
Nice Sarah!

Oh gosh Samoore it's so annoying. TMJJill that's tough. Glad you're able to help others.