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How (or has) your discomfort changed?

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:04 pm
by metalat40
I know everyone's journey is different, and I'm only 8 days into my braces.

However, I am surprised by the discomfort level. I cannot bite (nothing lines up, and I can't "feel" where my teeth are in my mouth), so I'm still on liquids/soups/protein drinks. And the discomfort is so odd in its variability!!! My front teeth will ache like crazy one hour, then my molars are on fire, followed by the sense that my bands are burrowing themselves into my gum line, all while my brackets scrape my inner lips!!

So... Is there a point when your mouth calms down? When (is it even possible?) you don't feel the braces? When you are comfortable momentarily?

Or is it basically some degree of varying discomfort most of the time (but especially after application and adjustment)?

I think I was totally naive about this!!


Re: How (or has) your discomfort changed?

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:21 pm
by chichi
The braces are still new to you so it'll be a little while before you get used to them. In my experience, you'll always be aware that you have braces, but the discomfort goes away. There will still be times when something randomly causes pain - for example, my metal brackets don't have hooks, so when I got elastics, they had to put the hooks in too. The hooks didn't bother me at all, and then they suddenly started rubbing the inside of my lip absolutely raw about 2 months later. It went away after about a week, but it's all just part of the journey.

The first few weeks were the hardest. Hang in there :)

Re: How (or has) your discomfort changed?

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 5:55 am
by djspeece
Braces are the gift that keeps on giving.
Most of find the first couple of weeks difficult for a number of reasons. Physically, there is a lot of discomfort from all the friction etc on your cheeks and lips, and they are toughening up in the process. So that should improve with time. Then as your teeth move, you can anticipate getting stuck by the archwire(s), which is good thing, but still uncomfortable (wax - wax - wax!).
Psychologically, this sort of dental discomfort / pain is a new sensation for many of us, and that in and of itself can heighten the discomfort, asking ourselves if something is going wrong, and so forth. Over time we appreciate that the discomfort represents progress in most cases -- and that can help us bear with all of it.
And new sensations are the rule, not the exception (for me, at least). I have some premolars in motion now, and they can really provide some interesting discomfort. Ibuprofen and other NSAID medications are excellent for dental pain, with specific actions on the biochemical mediators of dental pain. Take as directed, though.
Best of luck to you.

Re: How (or has) your discomfort changed?

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 6:12 am
by DaisySmith
Hi metalat40, I'm just over two weeks in on my braces journey. In some ways it's felt much longer. It's definitely as psychologically testing as it is physically (as previously referred to) in terms of discomfort and pain though, it gets better. Mentally and physically, you get used to it. Your mouth toughens up and won't always be as sore and tender. Having said that, I had a few days of no soreness and then woke up to a sore patch caused by a piece of poky wire.

I think as you become more accustomed to their presence they become less bothersome all round. Today for instance they feel much smaller in my mouth than they ever have done. Certainly not like the multi-storey car park I found myself trying to close my lips around on day 1! Good luck with it all.

Re: How (or has) your discomfort changed?

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:34 pm
by beckyboo0205
It definitely gets easier and better. I'm 10-1/2 months in and I have way more "no pain, no discomfort, is anything even happening anymore" days than I have I have discomfort days.

I think I was a month or two in by the time I stopped thinking about my braces at all hours of the day!

Re: How (or has) your discomfort changed?

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 6:43 pm
by NervousNewbie
My discomfort lasted for a few weeks, and just as it started to ease up, I had my first adjustment and I felt like I was back to square one. I felt very discouraged that every subsequent adjustment would put me back to the beginning as far as pain/sensitivity, but fortunately it does actually get easier less time, and then recovery time between adjustments does eventually decrease.

Re: How (or has) your discomfort changed?

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:54 pm
by metalat40
I'm doing the SureSmile memory wire, so adjustments are every 7-10 weeks. I'm hoping that gives me some kind of break before the first adjustment!!! I say this as my molars seem to be boring into my head!!! Agh!

Re: How (or has) your discomfort changed?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:24 am
by CharlieB
100% gets better, I always found the elastic bands to be the most painful part as I could almost feel my teeth being pulled down.

Re: How (or has) your discomfort changed?

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 12:37 am
by Ciara
I've had my upper braces for over a year and lower ones for 11 months. I'm one of the lucky ones and have had almost no discomfort at all. These days I only remember I have braces when I eat something that gets stuck in them or when I brush my teeth. For most people it does get better. Hang in there and I hope some day you will forget you even have them.

Re: How (or has) your discomfort changed?

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 1:08 pm
by msw
Even after several months, the pain still comes and goes. Like, I won't have any pain for several days/weeks, but then certain teeth will randomly start hurting. Today, actually in just the last hour, several bottom left teeth started hurting - completely out of the blue. But as someone else said, it's a sign that good things are happening. It's annoying, but nothing a couple ibuprofen can't help.

Re: How (or has) your discomfort changed?

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 4:05 pm
by Shiry
My name is Shiry and very new to this board. I had my braces installed February 6 and I must admit I am getting used to them everyday. My discomfort is the top lip over ceramic braces. I have not had bottom row installed yet. It rubs under my lips and I can't talk like I want either.....

Re: How (or has) your discomfort changed?

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:55 pm
by klcam
The first week was terrible, couldn't eat, had a lot of pain and inside mouth was very sore. 2nd week was much better, but I have a small lisp now and my mouth gets really dry. No more pain, but bite still feels off.

Re: How (or has) your discomfort changed?

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:26 pm
by jamie vs
The first day of having braces I remeber thinking by bedtime that night that I just wanted to strangle my Ortho lol. I was like "what the hell has he done to me?" I thought that the discomfort and my inner lips ripping would last forever. Now, I could buy him flower haha. The discomfort does dial down but as most have said there will alway be times like after an adjustment that you may feel more discomfort than usual. Pain killers help when ever you need them, I think I only took ibuprofen for about the first month maybe just a couple days per keep though. It's normal at 8 days to still be getting used to everything. Give it another week or two and you should feel much better.

Re: How (or has) your discomfort changed?

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:33 am
by djspeece
My "discomfort" has actually increased within the past 6 months (started Sept 2012), which I take as a good sign, as some of the more reluctant teeth begin their journey to their new home. It's not really painful, more like a slightly sore muscle after an aggressive workout. Got the powerchains and elastics going on. Apparently I was not having enough aggravation so the ortho wanted me to double up on the elastics on the left side. Bring it!