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Frequency of dental cleanings?

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 10:55 pm
by metalat40
I'm a regular visitor every six months for cleanings but have thought of stepping this up to every 3 months while in braces. (I'm 2 weeks into a 2 year plan.) My insurance will only pay for every 6 months, but this braces process is such an investment of time and money that I'm thinking I'd like to be sure I'm doing all I can for the health of my teeth, especially when they're imprisoned in all this metal!!

Anyone step up their dental cleaning regimen? I'm a regular flosser, brusher, and added the Waterpik... But still thinking I could do more perhaps...

Re: Frequency of dental cleanings?

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:17 pm
by chichi
Both my ortho and regular dentist said I would be fine keeping my 6 month routine. I even asked if I should go more often and they said it's not necessary (I'm very good about brushing and flossing... my dentist said I'm basically the ideal patient. Not to brag or anything :P)

As long as you brush and floss regularly and you're making sure you're getting around the brackets, you should be fine.

With that, you'll find a lot of people here who do step it up to every 3-4 months.

Re: Frequency of dental cleanings?

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:44 pm
by Matilda
I usually go in for cleanings twice a year.

Re: Frequency of dental cleanings?

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 6:07 am
by djspeece
I try to make it every 3 months on the dentist's recommendation, but usually omit one of them -- my hygeinist often comments favorably on the condition of things, so every three months sometimes feels like overkill.

Re: Frequency of dental cleanings?

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 6:10 am
by sirwired
Pro Tip: You can go to the dentist office for just a cleaning; you don't have to see the dentist. This should reduce the bill for the visit substantially, as much of the visit cost is for the exam by the dentist. (Which is kind of odd, because despite the disparities in education, the hygienist spends about 10x as much time with you as the dentist.)

Re: Frequency of dental cleanings?

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:16 am
by MrsCharisma
Ask your dentist what s/he thinks.

For most of us, ensuring we are keeping clean (brushing, flossing, waterpik if you have it), there is no need to go more frequently, even in braces. For some people, their "mouth chemistry" so to speak is such that they are more susceptible to cavities and stuff...and it might be suggested that they come in more often.

Re: Frequency of dental cleanings?

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:26 pm
by lambchop do you avoid seeing the dentist every time? When I go for my cleanings, he just automatically marches in after the hygienist is done, spends all of 45-90 seconds looking at my teeth, and then tacks on $40 to the bill. I like the guy and all, but if I could opt out of one of his 'visits' a year without insulting him, it'd be great!

Re: Frequency of dental cleanings?

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 6:57 pm
by Fidget77
Due to my mouth chemistry, I was getting cleanings every 4 months prior to braces. Since I want to be extra sure that every is clean and healthy, I have increased the frequency to every 3 months. I do not see the dentist every visit, if I am just scheduled for a hygiene appointment, the whole session is with they hygienist and then I leave .. Cost is usually around $100. Thankfully, I have a decent benefit plan so my extra cleanings are covered. I think the dentis visit is every 6-9 months and he comes in for a quick peek and leaves. Not too sure what the extra cost is for this "service".

Re: Frequency of dental cleanings?

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:18 am
by Orwellian
Just keep it the same as before.

Re: Frequency of dental cleanings?

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 10:54 am
by cs2thecox
I have terrible mouth chemistry and am CRAZY prone to build up, so I see the hygenist every 2 months or so anyway, and the dentist every 6 or 12 months depending on how things were last time.
There are still a couple of problem areas I'm working on with the hygenist, but the WaterPik is making a massive difference, even compared to normal flossing before I got braces. Once we get everything under control, I'd hope I can drop to every 3 months.

I see an expensive private dentist in the UK and pay £50 for 30mins or £75 for 45mins with the hygenist.
My dental plan pays for 2 appointments a year, and I have another cash plan that pays 50% of the cost for another 4 visits or so.

Seeing the problems my mum has had with her teeth - multiple root canals, a bridge that went wrong and now probably moving to a partial denture at 61 as her bone isn't good enough for implants - I'm going to do whatever I have to do to look after my teeth!
My mum's problems were all because our old NHS dentists didn't recognise the problems with our mouth chemistry and get us onto a proper cleaning routine early enough. I've caught mine in time not to lose bone luckily. (My dad and sister basically have teflon-coated teeth and never build up plaque AT ALL! :roll: )

Re: Frequency of dental cleanings?

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 4:51 pm
by sirwired
lambchop do you avoid seeing the dentist every time? When I go for my cleanings, he just automatically marches in after the hygienist is done, spends all of 45-90 seconds looking at my teeth, and then tacks on $40 to the bill. I like the guy and all, but if I could opt out of one of his 'visits' a year without insulting him, it'd be great!
You simply ask when you make your appt. to have a cleaning only and no exam. It's pretty routine for patients to need more than two cleanings a year, but it's virtually never necessary to have exams more often than that.

Re: Frequency of dental cleanings?

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:17 pm
by millersgirl
Maybe pickup some GC MI Paste Plus from your dentist? My dentist just gave me some at my cleaning last week. You can read the reviews online but it's from what I understand a prescription toothpaste that helps rebuild enamel, prevent decay and reduce sensitivity. I just used it for the first time today so too soon to for any kind of review from me.

Re: Frequency of dental cleanings?

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 8:39 am
by sirwired
My general dentist suggested it, but I didn't like it. It's not really designed to be used as toothpaste (it's too expensive for that), it's really supposed to be used like a coating. Getting it applied properly with all the hardware in the way was difficult, at best, and I had to use a lot of it to get a good coating. (Over bare teeth, it wouldn't be so bad...) It's not actually prescription (the fluoride is at OTC, not Rx levels); but it's only distributed by dentists, so it's expensive.

He then wrote me an Rx for prescription toothpaste (Prevident 5000 Sensitive) which I liked much more, and was covered under my prescription drug plan and I could pick up at the drugstore.

Re: Frequency of dental cleanings?

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:47 am
by millersgirl
sirwired wrote: Getting it applied properly with all the hardware in the way was difficult, at best, and I had to use a lot of it to get a good coating. (Over bare teeth, it wouldn't be so bad...)
I didn't experience the same difficulties. I use the "christmas tree" brush and don't have a problem applying it at all. My dentist said to coat the front of the teeth right before bed. Again it's too soon to really say if it's doing anything, but I don't mind it.

Re: Frequency of dental cleanings?

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 2:37 pm
by Braces1402
I am going once a year.