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Anybody else absolutely $#!¥ themselves when elastics snap?

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:34 pm
by Lewdboy
Had lower jaw surgery almost two weeks ago. Just started to get a fork in my mouth the last couple of days. Never had elastics in before my op so all new to these rubber bands.

First one snapped yesterday when eating my lunch. PING!!! Brain bounced off the roof of my skull in shock!

Just now, both snapped at the same time. Mouthfull of noodles all over my new carpet. Just had to change my underwear.

This is normal? Right?

Re: Anybody else absolutely $#!¥ themselves when elastics sn

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 8:30 pm
by smiley1305
I'm not in elastics yet but according to my research I don't think you have to wear the elastics when you eat. I'd probably be startled to. Plus I'd imagine that hurts. I'm sure a more experienced person can confirm.

Re: Anybody else absolutely $#!¥ themselves when elastics sn

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:26 am
by kathydell
Yup. Totally normal. Start a tally of how many you swallow too. It's great entertainment.

Re: Anybody else absolutely $#!¥ themselves when elastics sn

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 8:35 am
by sirwired
Yes, especially if you are on really tight post-surgical elastics; they make a real startling snap when they go.

(My OS preferred to use splints and combine it with very light elastics... but I think I would have preferred heavy elastics, as the wired-in-splint was awful, especially as I had mine in for nine weeks. Yuck.)

Re: Anybody else absolutely $#!¥ themselves when elastics sn

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 2:56 pm
by Gerib
Yep. Mine snapped in the chair lol. Scared me AND the ortho. My first try to put them in aand I broke one.