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Are you a mouthbreather

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 3:11 pm
by oldfart
Curious if orthodontics has changed how much you are a mouth breather or a nose breather?

I know currently with the elastics closer to the front of my mouth it really forces my teeth closed and at least at rest I do breathe through my nose vs my mouth.

At night though, I still cant get myself to sleep unless I open my mouth just a bit to breathe. Not sure if its habit, or lack of oxygen.

It's funny as if I am rested and relaxed with my mouth closed for a period of time the teeth and jaws really get set in the closed position. And someone comes to talk to me, I have to really think about openning my mouth wider as I just go to talk and my teeth don't move.

just my boring topic of the day.


Re: Are you a mouthbreather

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:02 pm
by chichi
I don't think I was ever a mouth breather, but I completely understand having to focus on opening your mouth. My elastics have really been making me clench a lot, so when I open my mouth to speak, I have to tell myself to open wider... otherwise, I'm just talking through my teeth.

Re: Are you a mouthbreather

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:53 pm
by Anna5
Yes, I am a mouth breather unfortunately.
I can breathe solely through my nose at rest, but when I start any activity (walking ed) I need to mouth breathe a bit as well in order to get enough air.
I also mouth breathe at night, which gives me dry lips. I try to teach myself to breathe more through my nose now, but it is hard when mouth breathing has been a life long habit of mine.
The braces even made the mouth breathing a bit worse, because of the increasing lip incompetence.

Re: Are you a mouthbreather

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:14 am
by sara2280
I am a mouth breather when I sleep. I too have elastics towards the front but they don't hold my mouth completely closed. They hold it tighter but don't force it closed. When I first started wearing elastics I could barely open my mouth but now it doesn't seem to be an issue. I am treating an open bite and a cross bite so I am sure the mouth breathing doesn't help. I was told that when I finish treatment I will have a special retainer to wear at night that will stop my tongue from pushing through my teeth while I sleep but not sure if that will force me to breathe through my nose while I sleep? Kind of nervous about that one.

Re: Are you a mouthbreather

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:21 am
by oimysizex
I'm a mouth breather, I constantly have a blocked nose and have had from about 7 years old which gets worse when i lie down, I feel like I can't breathe properly when I breathe through my nose and have to force myself to breathe through my nose and end up breathing through my mouth.

I can close my mouth but it tends to just spring open again it makes me so paranoid because I don't realise I'm doing it and I just look like I'm gorping at people lol!