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Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 3:36 pm
by butlerbulldogfan
9 months into with Damons. All my bottom teeth look really straight and even. My top teeth the right half sits slightly in front of my bottom teeth, and my left half sits off behind my bottom teeth. Past month Ive wore upside down triangle on my lateral incisor and the canine down to canine on my left side. The teeth started to pull forward but my front tooth beside them started to rotate and move back more hitting my bottom teeth. So I made a appt and she said its too early to wear that rubber band and was taking that one away. Meanwhile she said I was going to a rectangular wire and that my teeth will be more sore then usual. So they put that one on and my teeth were def sore and felt really tight. But now she said that I still have a round wire and hadnt went to rectangular wire yet even though she said last visit she was putting the rectangular wire on and that would help with tipping of a tooth that has been brought really far forward. So now I dont know what to think I dont even know what wire I have in now and how that could affect treatment if the wrong one is in. Can you tell the difference. I thought all along that upside triangle elastic was wrong, and now not supposed to wear it. Has anyone else had similar situations having elastics taken away that were prescribed.

Re: Questions

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:38 am
by chichi
You can tell whether you have a round or rectangular wire just by looking at it. If it has edges, it's rectangular. It sounds to me that your ortho is possibly a little flaky? You're only about halfway through your treatment, I would imagine, so changing elastics and wires is perfectly normal... I would just make sure you have her clarify/confirm what she's saying since it sounds like she's all over the place.