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Who has gotten clear powerchains??

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:03 pm
by beckyboo0205
Who gets clear powerchains?? Anyone?

I'm a bridesmaid in my sister's wedding and I want my braces to be as invisible as possible. I have clear brackets on top but a part of my door is metal and so you can still see the metal but it's just also right where the wire goes straight across.

Anyhow, I've always gotten silver powerchains (well, and some colors...). I think my ortho only has silver and clear(and colors)... the silver looks too noticeable for this occasion. Though one of her wedding colors is grey! lol

So how long can you really keep a clear powerchain CLEAR!? The last thing I want is yellow. The wedding is a week after my appointment... I don't drink wine... I can probably avoid pasta sauce...

I might give it a test run at this appointment... see how they look. Or ask if there are any other options... like NO powerchain... or maybe using that elasticy zing string to act as a powerchain but more hidden.

Re: Who has gotten clear powerchains??

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 4:23 am
by kathydell
I got clear in the beginning all the time until I shifted to silver. How close is your adjustment to the wedding date? I would suggest that could be a driver of your decision. I found the clear to look really good for the first 1-2 weeks and then start to deteriorate pretty quickly after that. They are definitely less noticeable than the silver or smoke in the beginning. While the silver & smoke are more noticeable right out of the gate because they are shiny, they hold up better over time if you're more weeks in between adjustments when they get changed or you have more weeks before an event like a wedding.

Re: Who has gotten clear powerchains??

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 8:11 am
by MrsCharisma

I would go clear if you're going to have an adjustment within a week before the wedding.


if it isn't an inconvenience to travel to your ortho; just ask to have your ligs changed like a day or two before the wedding.

I get clear every time on my ceramics and am going to just switch to silver for the remainder of my treatment because I get annoyed with trying to prevent staining.

ETA: Just read that it's a week before. You should be totally fine. If they can move your appointment a couple days later, even better.

Re: Who has gotten clear powerchains??

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 3:36 pm
by Ciara
I have clear and as long as I stay away from curry, and other foods that stain badly, they look ok for about 2-3 weeks. By the time my appointment comes around (every 4 weeks), they really need to be changed.

Re: Who has gotten clear powerchains??

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:29 pm
by beckyboo0205
My ortho is a traveling one who comes from washington to alaska on one day only! LOL. So the appt is a week before the wedding... which i have to travel to michigan for. So it seems based on what you guys have said that i should be good. I will just have to be extra careful. Maybe i will see how it looks this appt... judge for myself. Thanks

Re: Who has gotten clear powerchains??

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 5:06 am
by kathydell
Just stay away from cherries, curry and green mouthwash and you'll be fine. I do coffee and black tea through a straw so you could do that too but I don't think it really matters. I just started doing that on day 1 so I feel taboo if I don't.

Re: Who has gotten clear powerchains??

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 7:54 am
by king504
I have clear powerchains, and as long I stay away from red colored foods they stay clear for the most part. Typically my powerchain does not begin to yellow until the third week after it has been applied.

Re: Who has gotten clear powerchains??

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 9:35 am
by SunshineRay
I have pearl powerchains and they stay in good shape but Im really carefuly what I eat until the last week before my adjustment.