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First 24Hrs w/ uppers

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 8:17 am
by SpottedPickle
Today is a good day so far. Yesterday I had some pressure all over, pulling when I clenched and chewed. I clenched A LOT, I am a clencher. I had a slight headache. 2 Advil early on in the morning and a whiskey sour last night later on was all the medication I have needed so far :lol: I also only used my lip-guard for an hour yesterday. I had 3 oz of filet from the porterhouse hubs and I shared, potatoes, and cauliflower for dinner even. Today so far I barely know my braces are rubbing on the inside of my mouth!

Day After Report!
Left Front Quarter - slight pain, pressure, and cannot chew
Left Back & Right Front Quarter - Slight pressure, pulling when clenching and chewing
Right Back Quarter - I hardly feel my braces, the slightest pulling when clenching and chewing

Braces Revelation:
Superfloss is NOT for me. the cotton beginning just shreds and gets stuck on things. I am much faster with a threader and my dental ribbon.
I am still in love with my Waterpik and Sonicare.
The assistant said my clenching could prove beneficial, and so far it is. :)
Whiskey Sours are better than a salt and water rinse hehehe

Re: First 24Hrs w/ uppers

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 2:23 pm
by chomper$
Whiskey Sours are better than a salt and water rinse hehehe[/quote]

I wish I learned that after my first day! Sounds like you're adjusting well. Cheers!

Re: First 24Hrs w/ uppers

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:56 am
by sirwired
Gin Martini at 4:1 Gin to Vermouth; 2 olives. (Though if your teeth hurt, skip the olives! :D )

Re: First 24Hrs w/ uppers

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 5:08 am
by djspeece
sirwired wrote:Gin Martini at 4:1 Gin to Vermouth; 2 olives. (Though if your teeth hurt, skip the olives! :D )
And shaken, not stirred! :gavel: