They're on - and unpleasant side effect

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They're on - and unpleasant side effect

#1 Post by brooks »

So I had my braces on yesterday @1p. It wasn't bad at all. I have Damon metals on top and bottom. My ortho uses indirect bonding, so basically they used my impressions to make a little tray that they affix and align all of the brackets into. So when I got there they basically sat me down and propped my mouth open, "shampooed and conditioned" my teeth to prep for placement, and then they put glue on each bracket while in the tray, and then shove the tray into your mouth and cure with a UV light. After the get both top and bottom trays on, they peel the tray back off and all your brackets stay connected to the teeth. It was super fast, my whole appt took roughly 1 hour and wasn't that uncomfortable.

Last night I had soup and a protein shake. This morning I had iced coffee through a straw and a smoothie. I have triangle elastics so its going to be a hassle to eat for awhile just because I don't like fussing with the elastics. My teeth actually feel fine, and I don't think I would have a huge problem eating. They are a bit sore and "bruised" feeling, but I slept fine, etc. The biggest annoyance is getting my lips and cheeks caught on the elastics and the hooks that hold them. If I open my mouth very wide or talk a lot, I get stuck a little.

The negative side effect that I immediately noticed is that my teeth look SO MUCH worse with the braces. I'm attaching pictures. My teeth are very crowded, but they're also pretty white, and for some reason most people don't typically notice that my teeth aren't quite that straight. Now with the brackets, my teeth look horrible. They look as crooked as they really are, and they look less white. I'm sure I'm also just not used to it, and once my teeth start coming into line I think I will feel better.

My estimated sentence is 18-24 months, so we will see how it goes! Next appt is in 10 weeks :)
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Re: They're on - and unpleasant side effect

#2 Post by sowonky »

I can't see pics yet cos I'm new, but I feel the same. My teeth look awful with the braces on, they just seem to accentuate the bad parts, the sticky out parts seem to stick out even more and they just look so awkward and clunky! Fingers crossed it won't take long for this first stage to pass.

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Re: They're on - and unpleasant side effect

#3 Post by brooks »

sowonky wrote:I can't see pics yet cos I'm new, but I feel the same. My teeth look awful with the braces on, they just seem to accentuate the bad parts, the sticky out parts seem to stick out even more and they just look so awkward and clunky! Fingers crossed it won't take long for this first stage to pass.

Yes I hope so! I have one very prominent tooth that is higher and sticks out (kind of a snaggle tooth) and everyone at the ortho said that once that tooth drops down into place I will feel alot better. This is only my second day and I will say, when I flossed this morning, I could barely floss around that particular tooth. It is definitely going to move quickly because it is by far the most sore thing in my whole mouth. They said I would see major progress within the month, so I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that you and I will both feel more confident soon!

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Re: They're on - and unpleasant side effect

#4 Post by ljms »

The wonderful thing about braces is how fast they unravel your teeth in the first few months. I'll bet that in three months your teeth will look better with braces than they did without. Mine certainly did!

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Re: They're on - and unpleasant side effect

#5 Post by Featheryy1221 »

I wouldn't feel too bad about how your teeth look. At least with braces you're sending the message that you care enough about your health to get braces. As others have mentioned you will get fast changes the first several months. :)
Also different lighting makes your teeth look different shades. In your bottom photo, it's not as bright so the camera makes your teeth look bright white, whereas the top the sun is shining on you.

Estimated treatment time: 18 months. (6 months- expander, 1 year- braces)
Bonded Rapid Palatal Expander: 10/1/13 - 3/31/14
Upper and Lower Metal Braces: 4/22/14 - 7/14/15
Total treatment time: 21 months

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Re: They're on - and unpleasant side effect

#6 Post by journeybegins »

Yes I wasn't happy with the way my teeth looked when I first got braces as well. But as others have said, they get better, fast. I'm nearly 4 months in and I can't remember the last time my teeth were this straight. Not to say they are perfect as I have much more room to improve.

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Re: They're on - and unpleasant side effect

#7 Post by YellowDogTooth »

I just got mine on Tuesday, took about 2 hours. I also got triangle elastics! I wasn't told beforehand about the elastics and I don't see a huge number of people getting them the day they get their braces on (although I have seen a few), so kinda interesting/funny we got our braces on at roughly the same time and both got triangle elastics too. Are you eating with them in?

I found I wasn't very sore the first day, the second day was worse, the third day was better. I haven't needed pain killers or anything. Its been tolerable. I've been eating pastas, buns, sandwiches, etc. It hurts to do so, but I would rather suffer and eat well haha. Has definitely helped me avoid snacking though which is a good thing in my case.

I had the wire sticking out and poking me on the back molar and already had to go get it cut on Thursday, only took a few minutes. It was quite sharp and even poking through the wax.

As for how your teeth look, I understand how you're feeling! I felt the same way and still do! In general I don't feel I look good with braces. However every other person I've talked to about it has said they look good on me. My husband says I look cute with braces. Kids I work with say it looks good without me even asking. I think we are more likely to be the critical ones than others. Most people probably aren't looking at your teeth thinking they look bad at all. I personally didn't think your teeth looked any worse or bad at all. Like obviously they are crooked but I dont' think they look bad, before or after your braces were put on :)

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Re: They're on - and unpleasant side effect

#8 Post by brooks »

Yeah the triangle elastics are probably the only really tender part. When I put on new ones I can definitely feel a difference right away. I take them out to eat and brush, although I haven't really been "eating" too much. Pudding, protein shakes, smoothies, mashed potatoes, mashed banana. Nothing that I have to bite too much because my teeth feel weird. Not bad, just weird.

I haven't had to use any wax at all yet, and luckily no wires have poked me or anything.

I am feeling a little better about them in general today. They are less sore, and everyone seems to think they're cute even though I still don't like them at all.

Looks like you and I will have a fun couple of years together!! Hopefully with starting elastics so soon we may speed up the process!

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