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I got my braces 3 days ago

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:02 am
by cara041083
I know I am only on day 3. But I don't think I will ever be able to eat again. My teeth are sore and the inside of my mouth is really hurting. But even my bite is different. I feel more pressure than anything and the thought of eating sends a chill up my spine. Will it get better or is this the new normal for me. Maybe I am still in that moment where I am feeling more pain than anything so I am wondering if this was worth it.

Re: I got my braces 3 days ago

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:12 am
by tg82
It gets better - i'm on day 7 and I thought that was going to be the case around day 2/3. Your bite will feel off, and it'll hurt to chew but it does improve.

It's definitely worth it. No pain = no gain. (cliche I know but its true).

Re: I got my braces 3 days ago

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:24 am
by moodychopin
Can't wait to be feeling like this to, only 3 days to go for me. Don't worry Im sure your not alone! Everyone iv'e spoken to has said that after a week or so you DO get used to it, your mouth adapts and scar tissue toughens your gums up. Stick at it, you've made the best decision getting them on and the pain will get more manageable as the days go by!!

Re: I got my braces 3 days ago

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:39 am
by cara041083
Thanks for the encouragement. Then once I get use to all of this I go back in 4 months to get the bottoms on and will go through all of this again lol.

Re: I got my braces 3 days ago

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 3:52 pm
by Bracesat57
Hang in there! It does get better.

I went thru almost 3 months of sore and tender teeth before I could really eat normally.

I went thru seperators, top braces. 4 weeks later more seperators and then bottom braces.

I read on this site that i would "turn the corner" and things would get better. It finally happened.

Now I am seeing major changes and know it is definitely worth it!

Good luck!

Re: I got my braces 3 days ago

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 7:42 pm
by KayKay
Would love to know when "turning a corner" happens. Is it soon? Is it later?

I'm on day 6 and I'm still very sore. I'm finding things to eat but not what I want to eat. Seems I can only find carbs that are soft enough to eat.

Hope we all feel better soon!

Re: I got my braces 3 days ago

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:11 am
by kppixie
It really does get better, hold on! Saying that I am still on soft food and cannot bite down or chew due to bumpers (4 months on!), but I have even got used to this! Soreness calms down, even the sores in your mouth form a tough barrier and it feels pretty normal within a month or so. Sometimes I forget I have braces!!! Don't loose heart, and think of when we all have straight teeth, yey! :D it will be worth it!

Re: I got my braces 3 days ago

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 7:26 am
by oimysizex
It does get better, don't baby your teeth, just eat normally, it will hurt yeah, but it will get better quicker!!

I have had braces for 2.5 years and i felt the same after every adjustment but it does get better, defintely worth the pain!!!

Re: I got my braces 3 days ago

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 7:35 am
by djspeece
It does get better. In my experience (only) discomfort from new wires and/or power chains lasts several days then quickly diminishes; as I got accustomed to the routine and understood what was happening, it seemed less uncomfortable after each visit to the ortho. The inside of your cheeks will toughen up over the next few weeks, but until then use wax liberally. Just experiment and glop it on the offending brackets. Also, NSAIDs (e.g., ibuprofen) or your choice of pain reliever go a long way to making it more bearable.
I've found that scotch also seems to make things a lot better.
Best of luck to you.

Re: I got my braces 3 days ago

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 4:25 pm
by Siannxx
Hey, i promise it will get easier! I've ha my braces for 8 months now and i struggled like you, but give it a week or two and you'll be completely fine! I went to Disneyland the day after getting my braces so i think the excitement of that for the first week took away some of the dwelling upon the pain kinda behaviours i think youre experiencing (i would have been 100% the same if i was at home in my first week) but honestly it does improve! Just be sure to clean your teeth super well, it sounds gross and weird but it took me a while to get that right. You'll be fine, and the pain will ease off soon dont worry! In the meantime i'd say distract yourself as much as possible and eat Nutella out of the jar ;D

Sian x x

Re: I got my braces 3 days ago

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:08 pm
by rhibee83
oh i remember this feeling, i was on soft mushed up food for weeks when i first got my braces, and i still am a couple of days after an adjustment.

it will get better i promise you and the pain actually gets better if you try to bite down on something soft like bread, i use my molars sometimes to just slightly bite down on bread to get used to eating again and the pain gets better quicker i find. just be gentle.

all the best on your journey :)

Re: I got my braces 3 days ago

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:29 pm
by KayKay
Just wanted to report that I have turned a mini-corner. I had some almost normal food for the first time today and finally think I'm going to adjust. A long road ahead of me but I'm feeling better.

Day 16 today.

Re: I got my braces 3 days ago

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:34 pm
by Givemeariesen
I am three weeks in and also feel much better about eating. For me that third day was the worst. I even had salad for the first time tonight and was dreading how much it would get stuck in my braces. It really wasn't too bad. My next big hurdle will be eating in public.

Re: I got my braces 3 days ago

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 8:08 pm
by Toxgirl
Reading about all the pain and not being able to eat is really scaring me. I have an appointment Thursday to get ceramics on the top and metal on the bottom. I keep looking at my teeth and thinking they don't look so bad now!! I think it's fear of the unknown but after reading this board I am really nervous about doing this. I have a few rotated teeth, midline is way off, and a Brodie bite. I've chipped the same front tooth twice already so I know it's going to be with it. But I'm still scared!!!

Re: I got my braces 3 days ago

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 6:16 am
by Featheryy1221
Toxgirl wrote:Reading about all the pain and not being able to eat is really scaring me. I have an appointment Thursday to get ceramics on the top and metal on the bottom. I keep looking at my teeth and thinking they don't look so bad now!! I think it's fear of the unknown but after reading this board I am really nervous about doing this. I have a few rotated teeth, midline is way off, and a Brodie bite. I've chipped the same front tooth twice already so I know it's going to be with it. But I'm still scared!!!
Hi there. Don't be scared. :) For some people it's really not bad at all as far as pain goes. Everyone has different pain tolerances. Like for me, so far the longest I've been on a soft food diet is four days (when I first got braces), typically now only 2 days. The intial week is I guess the worst for people, but honestly mine was fine. Sure there was irritated spots on my cheeks from my molar bands, but I used wax at night and that helped. I honestly thought it was going to be way worse so I was pleasantly surprised. Reminding yourself why you're doing this and having a positive attitude about braces makes a world of a difference. There are days my teeth feel a little pressure, but I still push through eating normal foods. You feel better when you do. The pressure though is so worth it, as then you get results. Getting braces was the absolute BEST decision I have ever made in my life! :D My ONLY regret is not being able to get them sooner! You will be SO happy you did this!! :) don't be scared off from it!