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Random tooth pain!?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 10:15 pm
by kelseyognibene
Hi all!

I've been braced about three weeks now. I have ceramic braces on my top teeth and am getting metal on my bottoms next month. I had pain the first week then it went away and now it's all good except for one tooth!! It's right next to my front teeth and I noticed feeling a gap between it and the tooth next to it which was never there before and now it is so SORE like day one of braces! I know that my teeth would be sore but I didn't expect individual teeth to hurt at random times for seemingly no reason! Can someone tell me why this happens to ease my worried mind and explain it to me a bit better?? I know I should know this but I'm still new right!? Thanks!

Re: Random tooth pain!?

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 11:30 am
by orchid
Hi! I've been braced for three months now, and I get random tooth ache from time to time. Last week it was a front tooth that hurt like crazy, now it's one further back. This does not worry me but if it worries you, you can always ask your ortho. Good luck!

Re: Random tooth pain!?

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:02 pm
by kppixie
It usually means your teeth are moving, you may notice that the wire at the back starts poking into your cheek again, that means movement! One of my front teeth ache quite a lot, and it has moved loads since I had my braces on. It soon passes, and then starts again after adjustment. Usually nothing to worry about. Good luck!