New to Braces

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New to Braces

#1 Post by sheilas »

Hi there.

I am new to braces, just wanting to share my experiences here, and hopefully get in touch with someone who has gone through a similar experience themselves.

About me: I am 37 years old. I have a Class II Division I, 5mm overjet, nearly 60% overbite. I have thin biotype, narrow upper arch (moderate to severe crowding). I have about 1mm recession near both of my second bicuspids in my lower jaw.

When I went in for my initial consult, I was given an extraction treatment plan. Since I have good oral hygiene (never had a filling!), I battled with the concept of having healthy teeth extracted. At the time the ortho said that he was worried about my overall gum health if he didn't do extractions. I decided to take time to think about whether it was worth it to go through the process since I have healthy teeth.

Anyway, after taking months off to ponder, I decided to go ahead with the extraction treatment plan only to find out from my ortho that he had revisited my treatment plan and was going to try the non-extraction approach!! It was a huge relief somewhat for me. He has said that extraction may be necessary down the line if space isn't gained. I am somewhat hopeful that it doesn't come down to that! I just love my teeth.

I have the In-Ovation self ligating braces and almost 3 weeks into my treatment. I had a lot of teeth pain last week but I guess they are moving from reading others' experiences.

I am hopeful that there is some expansion and I get the space needed for my teeth without too much drama, but this is early days, huh?

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Re: New to Braces

#2 Post by onwardsandupwards »

Welcome ! :D Your case sounds very similar to mine however I did end up getting two extractions. Fingers crossed you'll be able to get away without them! Good luck with your braces journey :jump:

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Re: New to Braces

#3 Post by NeilH »

Hi, welcome and good luck with your treatment. I wore class 2 elastics for around six months and saw some great progress really quickly. Admittedly, I don't have a crowding issue (I had too many teeth taken out when I was younger) but it's amazing what can be achieved with some careful planning. I'm sure many dentists now seek to save teeth rather than extract so I would be encouraged that they are taken a conservative approach at this stage.

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Re: New to Braces

#4 Post by Tyrantblade »

Im pretty new to braces also, got them on the 11th, now is the 25th so 2 weeks down, im glad I didn't need extractions (i already lost 3 teeth a while ago) and may get more than one implant down the line so far this is so easy. And i don't know if trying to save teeth is in the rise because I still hear about people online that end up getting the remove 4 premolars plan, seems all too easy for the orthodontists and probably isn't warranted anywhere near as often as it happens.
Lots of crimes here

1. The upper molars bite too far ahead of the lower molars

2. Missing teeth #s 9, 14, and, 29

3. Open bite

4. Upper midline left of center

5. Lower midline right of center

6. Upper and lower teeth not straight

Sentence - 24 months, turned to 27 month.

Braces removed since 11/06/17


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Re: New to Braces

#5 Post by ruca2 »

The pain was relatively severe for me for more than a month. I have a very small mouth and my gums were/are getting torn up pretty bad. They tooth pain was awful in the beginning but it comes and goes now. Sometimes in the middle of a month I'll get random pain. It just means the teeth are micro-moving into new positions. Good luck!

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Joined: Mon Aug 24, 2015 5:51 pm

Re: New to Braces

#6 Post by sheilas »

There you are:

1. Photo at the time of consultation
2. Photo as of today (1st month into the treatment)
Again, I am a non-extraction case (In-Ovation self-ligating braces). Have noticed that my lower teeth have started their move towards the right (mid-line discrepancy). Gaps are popping up here and there (more noticeable during flossing time).

During my first month appointment, which coincided with my hygiene treatment, my wires were removed, teeth cleaned and same type of wires put back on. Initially, I didn't have anything connecting to my top right canine, but today they have engaged it. Sorry about quality of photos, but I will post more once I get professional photos sent by the ortho team.
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