Tightest rubber bands ever!

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Tightest rubber bands ever!

#1 Post by ITALIANNYC »

Hey everyone.

Been in braces for about 3 and a half years and now we have come to the end of the journey. I have used rubber bands before but then I did not need them anymore. Now we are at the end of the treatment where he says I need to wear them again for hopefully only 1 month, though it could be two. Then he said I am done besides just adjusting a tooth here or there. Done by the summer.

Boy oh boy, I usually was using the LION rubber bands which are 1/4 6.4mm Medium

Now he put bands from canine to canine to pre molar to premolar. I basically have an M shape on both sides of my mouth. These bands are ZEBRAs which are 3/16 4.8mm Medium. That are smaller than the old ones and wow these are strong. I can't no open my mouth at all really. I can't stick my tongue between my teeth very much and I can't even lick my lips lol.

I use to eat with the bands in, well NOT ANYMORE, not with these bad boys, I can't even put something in my mouth.

I guess since this is the end I have to deal with it but man do I feel like my mouth is wired shut.

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Re: Tightest rubber bands ever!

#2 Post by Tyrantblade »

Thats how i felt when i first started wearing Rams (which are thicker and stronger than Zebras) in triangles

You will get used to them and then it wont be so bad
Lots of crimes here

1. The upper molars bite too far ahead of the lower molars

2. Missing teeth #s 9, 14, and, 29

3. Open bite

4. Upper midline left of center

5. Lower midline right of center

6. Upper and lower teeth not straight

Sentence - 24 months, turned to 27 month.

Braces removed since 11/06/17


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Felina Grimm
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Re: Tightest rubber bands ever!

#3 Post by Felina Grimm »

I started with Cheetahs (extra heavy) and I felt the same way. I couldn't open my mouth. But after several days, I was able to open it just fine. Your body will adjust to the new strength. :-)
Sentence: 24 months, months served: 35 months
Traditional Full-Metal Brackets
Top: 9/9/2014
Bottom: 10/15/2014
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Re: Tightest rubber bands ever!

#4 Post by LongJourney »

After a week, you'll probably be able to eat in it. I'm wearing the sea lion-heavy- and at the beginning, I'm like... So guess I'm going to be on mute for couple of days
And now I can open my mouth easily and eat in it.
It'll get better and congrats, you're getting released soon :thumbsup:

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