Newbie to Braces

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Newbie to Braces

#1 Post by YoShe1980 »

Hello everyone. I just had my TPA and braces put in on Monday and so far, the TPA is just killing my tongue. I don't know how some of you did it! It's only been three days and I'm already wondering how much longer I will have to wear this. I can't eat, I can't talk...but I know I have to be patient and trust the process. I'm going in to see the orthodontist to see if they can adjust the TPA because it seems to be a little to low though. This is just the beginning of my 2 1/2 year journey with braces, and I still have to go get my four bicuspids extracted and my wisdom teeth that have been impacted removed. Wish me luck guys!

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Re: Newbie to Braces

#2 Post by sirwired »

Your tongue will adjust, and quickly learn to dislodge most stringy foods from the thing. (And you will either give up salad or will lose any sense of shame in reaching in there to get them loose when the tongue can't!)

To help with the talking, read aloud to yourself whenever you have time, taking care to anunciate as best you can. That's the best way to help your tongue retrain itself.

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Re: Newbie to Braces

#3 Post by katienorah »

I'm new too! No tpa here (which I am pretty stoked on because it sounds mighty unpleasant) but my bicuspid s got the boot nearly two weeks ago and years ago they had to go in and take out all four of my impacted wisdom teeth. Braces have been on for a month and it has certainly been an adjustment. Good luck in your journey to straight teeth!

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