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Just Got Innovation - C

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 11:12 pm
by Mimo1985
Hi everyone -

I am new here but have been reading for quite some time. A little bit about me - I had braces from age 15-17 (Im 31 tomorrow!) and everything was more or less good after the braces came off. I dont remember them that well - just that they were periodically annoying and then periodically not annoying.

1 year later - problems started.
I started to get open bite, then a misalignment (shifting on one side to the right, or a "slip") and then wisdom teeth came in and quickly crowded the top arc. So all of my work was basically reversed.

This last week I got Innovation C braces, finally. It is something I have wanted to do for ages, and sadly I was not a candidate for Invisilign (I really wish I was) but I am working on my teeth again which is good.
I was wondering if anyone has felt any depression or sadness from getting braces again as an adult? I see a lot of very positive videos of people on Youtube with braces and I sort of envy them because I honestly hate my braces (a lot!).
I am already on the plan and path to success, so I cant turn back now. Even so - I dont know what the alternative would be (dont get braces? Try Damon? Get ceramics? Go to another Ortho even though I really like one I have?) but I want to try and stick it out.

I didnt think that getting these on would affect me so deeply, but I am pretty disappointed that Im not being more positive.
Anyone else felt the same when they started? Can I hope that Ill feel more *normal* in a bit?

Re: Just Got Innovation - C

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 4:47 am
by djspeece
I think a lot of us were a bit shocked/depressed early on when we realized the reality of braces and years of treatment looming. Of course in my case it was my first go-round with braces so I had nothing to compare it to. I would imagine that with your experience/history you had somewhat of an idea of what to expect, and that would be sobering, to say the very least. You didn't mention if you had worn your retainers, or if non-compliance was a factor in your relapse. If that is the case, then perhaps you are feeling some guilt/regret/remorse. Those of you who have memorized all my posts ( :roll: ) know that I have often commented on the blow braces can be to one's self image, especially at first. Then at some point I realized that no one really cared one way or the other. My male colleagues at work would see me brushing my teeth a lot in the rest room and often make the same lame comment about how much my dentist must love me, and so forth. But I digress.
I think what you are feeling is normal as long as you are not thinking about hurting yourself. If that is the case you need to seek counseling immediately. I did not get that sense from your post, but just covering all the bases. You'll likely begin to come to terms with your braces and start looking forward to the end result, but it's an adjustment for sure. If you read through this forum you'll see lots of us have had second thoughts about braces in the early days.
I was debraced in October 2015 after a two year sentence stretched to three, despite my good behavior :) (Sort of, that is. See the thread "Confess your orthodontic sins" that oldfart started.)
And best of luck to you!

Re: Just Got Innovation - C

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 3:17 pm
by Mimo1985
[quote="djspeece"]I think a lot of us were a bit shocked/depressed early on when we realized the reality of braces and years of treatment looming. Of course in my case it was my first go-round with braces so I had nothing to compare it to. I would imagine that with your experience/history you had somewhat of an idea of what to expect, and that would be sobering, to say the very least. You didn't mention if you had worn your retainers, or if non-compliance was a factor in your relapse. If that is the case, then perhaps you are feeling some guilt/regret/remorse. Those of you who have memorized all my posts ( :roll: ) know that I have often commented on the blow braces can be to one's self image, especially at first. Then at some point I realized that no one really cared one way or the other. My male colleagues at work would see me brushing my teeth a lot in the rest room and often make the same lame comment about how much my dentist must love me, and so forth. But I digress.
I think what you are feeling is normal as long as you are not thinking about hurting yourself. If that is the case you need to seek counseling immediately. I did not get that sense from your post, but just covering all the bases. You'll likely begin to come to terms with your braces and start looking forward to the end result, but it's an adjustment for sure. If you read through this forum you'll see lots of us have had second thoughts about braces in the early days.
I was debraced in October 2015 after a two year sentence stretched to three, despite my good behavior :) (Sort of, that is. See the thread "Confess your orthodontic sins" that oldfart started.)
And best of luck to you![/quote]

This is a very sobering and thoughtful response- and I am deeply appreciative of your post and sharing your experience with me - thank you so much :)

You're right - I did forgot to mention that I failed to wear my retainer. I never considered that I had guilt but I suppose that makes a lot of sense considering now I have to redo it all again. That was quite insightful of you to bring it up so thank you. I thought I was being over dramatic about it. I suppose a little bit of sadness and some emotional baggage regarding teeth is not abnormal.

I saw my ortho again today and asked her if I was being a big baby or if I was being nomral.
she told me honesty that the majority of her adult patients are more upset about braces than her young ones. She also mentioned to me I was wearing "the Teslas" of braces and that I was in good hands. It was a productive talk and
It helped that she took the time to explain things to me further and I think that's what sort of helped also.

Re: Just Got Innovation - C

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 4:49 am
by djspeece
Excellent news, glad to hear it. I would be impressed if my ortho mentioned Tesla in any conversation about braces :D ! I'm happy for you that your ortho is taking the time to explain things and allay your concerns. Onward and upward!

Re: Just Got Innovation - C

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 8:45 am
by Mimo1985
djspeece wrote:Excellent news, glad to hear it. I would be impressed if my ortho mentioned Tesla in any conversation about braces :D ! I'm happy for you that your ortho is taking the time to explain things and allay your concerns. Onward and upward!
Thank you! Yeah she is really nice about taking time to talk to patients. My check up was on Tuesday and she said she put aside 30 mins if I wanted to ask more questions. I feel very lucky to have such a cool ortho :D

Re: Just Got Innovation - C

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 12:43 am
by Welshrarebit
My first week in braces, I was so upset that I wanted them off off OFF! The only reason I didn't go through with that was that I'd be left with a few ££££ less in my bank and still wonky teeth that make me unhappy.

I'm in the same position as you - I had fixed braces as a teenager but as soon as my teeth were straight and the braces were off, I forgot all about wearing the retainer, I just didn't care. All I cared about was that my teeth were straight.I wish I'd had the foresight to realise they wouldn't stay that way without correct use of the retainer! Won't make that mistake again.

The braces have definitely changed the way I feel about myself. I used to be confident and bubbly and chatty, around anyone, and felt relatively attractive despite my rabbit teeth. With braces, I just feel super ugly and weird. My boyfriend has been really supportive but I won't let him take photos or selfies anymore, which annoyed him a bit on our recent holiday I think.

That said, I am better now than I was 2 months ago. I obsess about them less. I'm used to my new reflection in the mirror, even if I still see the braces first before anything else. I don't feel the need to comment on them to everybody I meet, as a way of apology. I still don't feel attractive but I've started wearing lipstick etc again (even bright red, with a bit of a f*ck it! attitude) and I think things will continue to get better. Hang in there. This is not an easy journey we are on, and we're brave to do it in the name of self-improvement. This is just a snapshot in time of the rest of your life, which you'll be able to enjoy with the great teeth you will have earned.

And we'll look after them this time! :lol: