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How to avoid chaos when using waterpik?

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 10:46 pm
by Welshrarebit
I still don't seem to have got to grips with using my waterpik!

If I try to keep my mouth open to see what I'm doing, water goes EVERYWHERE and all over the mirror so I can't see a thing anyway!

If I keep it closed, I move it round my mouth from left to right, top and bottom, but is this all there is to it? I ask because I've never seen any gunk come out, although I do brush my teeth first so maybe that's why...
Waterpik then brush or brush then Waterpik?


Re: How to avoid chaos when using waterpik?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 12:11 am
by Mimo1985
Ive only had braces for 2 weeks and only just bought my waterpik 2 weeks ago so Im not amazing with it by any means.. but...
that being said - yes, that is all there is to it.

It might help to slowly guide the pik in between the teeth to where the gum lines are. That should get out some gunk on a strong setting (unless your gums are sore - then use the low setting).
I sort of tilt my head down and guide along the teeth, spending maybe 20 seconds in each crevice - if that makes sense.
Hope that helps!
Eventually youll get the hang out of it and youll just "feel" where the right places to guide the nozzle are.

Re: How to avoid chaos when using waterpik?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 4:59 am
by djspeece
It sounds as though you are looking into the mirror as you use the waterpik, and in that case chaos is inevitable. I bent over the sink with my mouth just opened just slightly, and as welshrarebit described, direct the spray along the archwire, spraying down and up, and also directing the spray carefully between the teeth. You probably shouldn't "aim" at the gum line itself, as some here have indicated it may force debris into places where it does not belong. Plus it can be painful. I used the waterpik before brushing, as many of the foods I enjoy are "debris-intensive." In a sick sort of way I enjoyed watching that gunk fly out of my mouth and down the drain. It was sort of like an orthodontic harvest or something.

Re: How to avoid chaos when using waterpik?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 11:15 am
by nightowl12
Thanks for the tips - I too was wondering how to use a Waterpik without the spraying effect all over the bathroom mirror. I guess practice makes perfect!

Re: How to avoid chaos when using waterpik?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 11:19 am
by nightowl12
That addition to using the waterpik, I'm still flossing but I'm afraid to floss my back molars where the metal bands are. Should I be worried about loosening them as I floss? Everything still feels a bit weird/new back there so I'm a bit afraid. Sorry to double post in a row, just thought of this question.

Re: How to avoid chaos when using waterpik?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 11:28 am
by Ziggy
I also learned to do it by feel. I just learned to press the waterpik against the right spots for a second and move on to the next spot. Once I get the "flossing" done I use the waterpick all over the brackets and wires. I keep my head down and my mouth open just a little. Another method is to keep your lips closed and let the water out when your mouth fills up. Only downside to my method is sometimes the water runs down my arm and wets my sleeve. I'm learning to roll my sleeves up. :idea: If you're still having trouble YouTube has some videos on Waterpiking.

Re: How to avoid chaos when using waterpik?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 11:34 am
by TheWolf
I waterpick then brush, never did the other way. I know that flossing first then brushing vs. brushing first then flossing doesn't matter, so I guess the same principle applies here too, but for me waterpicking first seems more logical since it removes all the food, then brushing is more for a fresh sensation and to protect the teeth enamel. As for how to use the waterpicker, you can find videos on YouTube. Practically, I know you have to waterpick at the gum line and in between the teeth, especially where the brush can't reach, which for me is in between my molars at the gum line and wisdom teeth.

Re: How to avoid chaos when using waterpik?

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 9:44 am
by jfriend33
Whatever you do make sure you adjust the pressure and use the correct tips. I have almost injured myself going at max pressure that I use to dislodge food from around braces, and continued to the gum line... OUCH!

I also prefer to use the power switch in between sections instead of hitting the pause button. I find that my pause button jams easily. And it's a brand name waterpik too.

Re: How to avoid chaos when using waterpik?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 11:06 am
by occamsblazer
jfriend33 wrote:Whatever you do make sure you adjust the pressure and use the correct tips. I have almost injured myself going at max pressure that I use to dislodge food from around braces, and continued to the gum line... OUCH!

I also prefer to use the power switch in between sections instead of hitting the pause button. I find that my pause button jams easily. And it's a brand name waterpik too.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one this happens to, I always seem to have to bash mine gently against the side of the sink to get it unstuck! I should really have sent it back to Amazon but I couldn't deal with the faff and not having a waterpik at all!

Re: How to avoid chaos when using waterpik?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 8:55 pm
by carrieann
occamsblazer wrote:
jfriend33 wrote:Whatever you do make sure you adjust the pressure and use the correct tips. I have almost injured myself going at max pressure that I use to dislodge food from around braces, and continued to the gum line... OUCH!

I also prefer to use the power switch in between sections instead of hitting the pause button. I find that my pause button jams easily. And it's a brand name waterpik too.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one this happens to, I always seem to have to bash mine gently against the side of the sink to get it unstuck! I should really have sent it back to Amazon but I couldn't deal with the faff and not having a waterpik at all!
Me too! It jams on pause so I don't use pause anymore it just creates more of a mess. Love my Waterpick though! Not sure how I survived before. Now I want one one for work after lunch.

Re: How to avoid chaos when using waterpik?

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 1:09 pm
by EWUgal15
nightowl12 wrote:That addition to using the waterpik, I'm still flossing but I'm afraid to floss my back molars where the metal bands are. Should I be worried about loosening them as I floss? Everything still feels a bit weird/new back there so I'm a bit afraid. Sorry to double post in a row, just thought of this question.
It's highly unlikely you will loosen a molar band by flossing. You probably couldn't see it when the bands were put in, but the tech/orthodontist will have put glue all the way around the inside of the band (the surfaces that would be making contact with your teeth). If you can break the cement bond by flossing, I've got to know how much time you put into body building and what kind of floss you're using.

Re: How to avoid chaos when using waterpik?

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 1:17 pm
by Welshrarebit
Thanks for all your comments! I've finally got the hang of it. No more chaos. Only thing is... I don't really think it's doing anything. I don't use it immediately after eating - I use it at home in the morning and again before bed. So I never see food or anything being flushed out.

What do you guys get out of using this?

Re: How to avoid chaos when using waterpik?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 2:08 am
by Pixelada
You should use it right after eating and you will see lots of food coming out.

Re: How to avoid chaos when using waterpik?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 5:16 am
by bez
I waterpik for about 30 seconds just to get the food out right after eating, then brush, then waterpik again until the reservoir is empty.