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Wearing class 2 elastic a only on one side? What does that do?
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 7:25 pm
by Slader01
I have a class 2 molar relationship on one side, and a normal class 1 relationship on the other. However, I have a normal 1mm overjet and a normal midline. So what's this class 2 elastic doing exactly? It can't really bring my jaw back since My overjet is normal. Anyone else ever have to wear this?
Re: Wearing class 2 elastic a only on one side? What does that do?
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 6:52 am
by iob
That is a bit of a "how is this supposed to work" head-scratcher if your midline and overjet are where they should be now and you have no extraction space on that side. I imagine that the elastic can still move your molars to class I on that side by doing some IPR on the lowers of that same side to accommodate the shift.