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Mouth Soreness

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 8:07 am
by CountingStars
Two days ago I had braces put in... ceramic upper/lower-excluding metal brackets for the back few teeth. It's somewhat painful to eat anything - chewing particularly hurts. In your experience, when does the initial pain after getting braces subsides? Will eating always be this difficult? I dread eating :( which is kinda a good thing because I could use a few pounds lol! Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Re: Mouth Soreness

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 5:48 pm
by megz0501
The pain and the feeling of how weird it eats will go away. Eat soft stuff. Mashed potatoes, sherbert, that kind of stuff for a few days and I took advil to help. It definately takes some getting used to.

Re: Mouth Soreness

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 4:19 am
by laulafayette
I had my braces on 10/8 and like you my mouth feels really sore and couldn't chew anything. But after five days I was able to chew for a bit and today I feel a lot better just for the sixth day. Mouth still feels sore and teeth hurts cuz they are continuously moving but I got used to it now I guess. Just A lot better. :) I hope you get better soon too!

Re: Mouth Soreness

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 1:11 pm
by LisainTX
I can't say this enough.....IT GETS BETTER. And keep coming here. These people are extremely helpful with their experiences. They have kept me sane for about 7 months so far!! Good Luck!!

Re: Mouth Soreness

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 6:18 am
by Catpotat
LisainTX wrote:I can't say this enough.....IT GETS BETTER. And keep coming here. These people are extremely helpful with their experiences. They have kept me sane for about 7 months so far!! Good Luck!!
I second this. Don't even try to chew anything too tough, you will end up spitting it out in frustration. But do not worry, 2-3 months later you will be tearing into burgers and enjoying food again to your full potential :D It doesn't seem like it right now but you will get there and it will be glorious!

Re: Mouth Soreness

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 9:39 pm
by friendlyturtle
My first few days were also quite painful, but after the first month everything feels much more comfortable! I use to have a (not so) great time eating anything, but cutting stuff into smaller pieces really does help!

Re: Mouth Soreness

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 11:45 am
by Ziggy
It does get better and you won't starve. I used a lot of dental wax the first month and haven't used any since.

Re: Mouth Soreness

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 11:17 am
by ItsNever2Late
You are my ortho treatment twin!! I was fitted on 10.18.16 and I have seriously had thoughts of having them removed. The pain from the braces and then the mouth sores from brackets breaking skin has me a bit gloomy. Actually a lot gloomy. Eating is something I now dread and I can lose several pounds as well but I don't want a soup diet for the next 15 months. I'm stalking this thread for hope and motivation. Hope you get plenty of it. And I pray it gets better for the both of us. I have found wax to be my best friend. And my waterpik has surprisingly helped massage my gums and get rid of some of the soreness. I guess from the increased blood flow.

Re: Mouth Soreness

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 3:17 am
by petebite
It gets better, remember to eat soft foods for about 2-3 days after each adjustment and you will be fine. Soon you won't even know they're on there :)

Re: Mouth Soreness

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 4:07 am
by Bracingmyself33
It took me around 2 weeks to resign to my fate, or rather get used to braces. Eating was a complete shock for me then! But you will manage to work things around.

Soreness for 2-3 days after adjustment is pretty common. So equip yourself with soft diet... Porridge, soup, cakes and bread are pretty braces friendly.

You'll get used to eating before you know it! :BigTeethGrin:

Re: Mouth Soreness

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 3:02 pm
by littlething
It probably took about 2 weeks to really get used to them, but that first week was ROUGH. It definitely gets better though! Eating is still annoying but you get used to it.

Re: Mouth Soreness

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 8:07 pm
by annamariefranco
The first two weeks were the worst for me. I was in tears at one point because of the pain but mainly hunger because I couldn't eat LOL. But it really does get better. Ice cold water was the only way I felt relief.