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The worst part of having braces

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:28 pm
by Tyrantblade
What would you say is the worst part, has your opinion changed, does it keep changing?

My opinion on the worst part has changed several times, at first braces felt weird and I hated how uncomfortable biting things and eating was, mainly due to bite turbos/bite blocks.

Then eventually those weren't too bad as my bite got close to corrected enough to be done with those (when they didn't rebuild them, and the next appointment they removed them).

Then I started being elastics.

Now I still thinks it's elastics, but I also get so annoyed if I look at my teeth too much (noticing how uneven they look after minor changes have been happening).

If I'm lucky I will at least be back to taking a day time break from elastics after my next adjustment (which I found out is next month, better than December)

Re: The worst part of having braces

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:13 pm
by StephMarie8379
I am on day two of my 18 monthe sentence. I have biters blocks and they can interfere with a lot. I can't chew so I can only tonguse all my food. And two brackets are so close together I can floss. AND I haven't even gone to my first adjustment yet...can't wait.

Re: The worst part of having braces

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:34 pm
by braces25
in the beginning it was definitely my bite blocks but lately it's the eyelit that is bonded to my exposed canine. it keeps rubbing my lip raw since a part is bended outwards.

Re: The worst part of having braces

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 7:04 pm
by Ziggy
I think every time they stick something new in your mouth THAT'S the worst thing.

Re: The worst part of having braces

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 7:59 pm
by carrieann
Worst is the horrible cuts or sores inside your cheeks. Oh my, they hurt and nothing really helps except time, in my case. I thought I was done with those after 6 months but nope had one last week.

Re: The worst part of having braces

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 4:59 am
by jaime
For me, it's a tie between eating with braces and being poked by brackets, wires, and hooks all the time.

Re: The worst part of having braces

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:28 am
by nicolie825
The worst part for me were the 2 or 3 occassions I had a poking wire. The thing i hated the most about braces though was cleaning my mouth after every single time I ate something

Re: The worst part of having braces

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 1:08 pm
by LisainTX
I agree that at first it was the bite blocks. Then elastics. Now I think it is that every time they adjust, my bite changes again and it is uncomfortable for awhile.
I had some kind of wire fall off when I was brushing my teeth this week. It wasn't an archwire but something about an inch and a half long with a L at the end. So I call and since they are awesome they get me right in on my way to work - wooohoooo!! Not an issue....its an easy fix! But guess what?? SInce you're here, lets go ahead and do everything we were going to do on the 25th!!
Lort. They put twice the hardware in my mouth and for the first time, it hurt for days afterwards. The elastics are heavier and pulling teeth back making all kinds of spaces. I am at an awkward stage of treatment, I believe. Glad it is Halloween time since I am starting to look like a jack-o-lantern.
But I know in the end its going to be worth all of this!!!