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Upper teeth intrusion to correct lip incompetence and gumminess?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 11:21 pm
by Voxpotens
Anyone have any experience with upper teeth intrusion to fix lip incompetence? I have seen it be used to correct gumminess, by means of TADs ( but im wondering if:
A- it could also correct lip incompetence
B- how it would affect ones appearance
C- if the closed bite, open lip posture would show no incisors.
Supposedly, showing a few mm of upper incisors at posture described on C is desirable and shows youthfullness, with which i agree. However, how much of that would be affected, if many of the frontal upper teeth were intruted as well.

Has anyone had this as part of their treatment?

Re: Upper teeth intrusion to correct lip incompetence and gumminess?

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 7:00 am
by Lovespain5
Even if her gummy smile disappear thanks to teeth intrusion and her profile has become much better, her teeth were perfectly straight and white in the beginning of the treatment and they become slightly crooked (one canine) and damaged (one incisor particularly) in the end. I don't like much this result personnally. Moreover, this practise may be harmful for the teeth roots in my opinion. I largely prefered the treatment I received with 4 premolars extracted to correct my lip incompetence. As much as you didn't have a gummy smile before your treatment, it probably can be reserved without teeth intrusion.