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Will my teeth flare out?
Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 2:12 pm
by Grapefruit47
I was warned by an orthodontist that if I didn't get 4 teeth extracted prior to getting braces that there simply wouldn't be enough room to straighten my teeth so they would flare out.
I decided to go with another orthodontist who warned me that if I did get extractions, my smile would stay very narrow and my lip would drop making my face look sunken and flat.
I decided not to do the extractions but instead went ahead with a palatal expander to widen my arch and make more room to straighten my teeth.
Is it still possible my teeth will flare out after the expansion is complete? People who have gone through treatment with an expander have you been satisfied with your results?
Re: Will my teeth flare out?
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 5:17 pm
by Bracingfor33
Are your teeth pointing in the direction of your tongue? Or rotated in the back? ( I have both in my case). My expander works in two ways, it pushes out and back. From what I have gathered, expanders tip out your teeth with little actual expansion (if you're an adult). So if your teeth are facing in, tipping them won't be a big deal and will make your smile wider. If they are already straight, they might look tipped. But I would imagine this won't be that noticible. I have seen some people with beautiful smiles and thought nothing more than that. Now going through this, I'm more aware that a lot of those "beautiful smiles" must have had expansion, becuse I notice the tip. However, I still think their smile is beautiful as I'm sure yours will be too!! And not everyone will notice, I'm just veerrryy observant!! I think you made the right choice not having the extractions! Let us know how it turns out! Best wishes!!
Re: Will my teeth flare out?
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 6:00 pm
by puckloo
I got the same information, exactly, Grapefruit. I refused to allow four healthy teeth to be yanked out. My general dentist, who I very much trust, said "don't have anything extracted." He also was concerned that it was too extreme and that I would have a bad result in terms of profile.
When decision day came, I said the extractions were a show stopper, and that I would be OK with walking out with no treatment. The ortho then said he thought I could get a 'good' result without extractions, so I went ahead with full braces, ceramic top and metal bottom. I am OK with good since I am older and not a movie star. I am after better alignment and just not having my front teeth literally turned sideways!
I am on my second wire, and expect to get elastics in a week or so (five month in). The wires have slowly turned the more obvious badly-aligned teeth into a more correct position. I still have a significant open bite, although my back teeth actually touch for the first time in my life. I was also warned about flare, but that did not happen in my case. I am anxious to see if the elastics will close my bite and do what they are supposed to. I do not look forward to a year in elastics, they do not look like fun and I hear bad things about them.
I am still not sorry that I refused the extractions. It's just my feeling that it would have made the ortho's job easier (therefore they recommend it a lot). I also have a not-very-nice inner voice wondering if they treat me differently and do not particularly like dealing with me because I stood my ground. They're used to 12 year olds who can't stand up for themselves, perhaps. But they did like my cash payment of $7000 upfront. I know, I am being paranoid.