When choosing an ortho, do you have any "red flags"?

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When choosing an ortho, do you have any "red flags"?

#1 Post by CeramicCynthia »

So I'm currently 1 consultation down and have a few more to go. My new teeth will hopefully be forever so I want to be sure I pick the best ortho for the job.
Are there any things that would make you dismiss an ortho after a consultation? All of the orthos I'm seeing are licensed specialists and have years of experience, so that isn't an issue.

Even before meeting all of the orthos I want to meet, I've noticed a few things:

1. Some charge based only on complexity and not treatment length (is this good or bad? I've been estimated as needing 12 months max)
2. Some charge the same rate for everybody regardless of complexity OR length (one local ortho has a fixed fee of 3700 euro no matter what)
3. Some are very busy and have no appointments for weeks, others can see me in 2 days (is it a bad sign if an ortho doesn't have a waiting list? Albeit the clinic is only a year old)

If anyone has any general tips on how to pick an ortho (besides ensuring they're qualified), they'd be much appreciated!

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Re: When choosing an ortho, do you have any "red flags"?

#2 Post by Jacker »

With my ortho I didn't choose it. I was referred to one by my local dentist and they managed to fit me in. Normally you have to wait if they have busy schedules but I can't imagine it being any more than 6 Weeks. Sorry.

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Re: When choosing an ortho, do you have any "red flags"?

#3 Post by strinder »

I personally only visited 2. My first consultation they looked in my mouth counted the spacing in my teeth and gave me the price. At my second consultation, I had my teeth scanned and they noticed that I had a baby tooth, showed me pictures of previous patient's results. I went with the one that was more expensive and not what I originally had planned but the one I felt far more confident could make my teeth beautiful. Also, my practice has spaces! When I called up to book a consultation I had one at 3 pm that day. I also paid my deposit at 5 pm on a Thursday on 9 am on a Friday I had my braces fitted. As long as they have the experience that you feel comfortable with then, in my opinion, them having spaces would be much better than not being able to go in for weeks because they're so busy!

When I was on the search for my ortho, I was provided with a sheet of "10 things to consider when choosing an orthodontist". I'm from the UK so I don't know how relevant they all will be but I thought I'd write them down.
1- qualifications and experience. as well as having the qualifications, them being registered and members of professional bodies.
2- support team - as it won't just be the orthodontist working but they'll be surrounded by a team so you can look into their qualifications.
3 - treatment options - because there are so many options see what ones they provide and what their opinions are on your case (my first consultation said yes yes yes to Invisalign, my second one refused me)
4 - previous work. That way you can look at the quality of their treatments and most should display these.
5 - industry recognition. is the practice an industry recognized provider of the treatments they offer?
6 - cost and finance. they should provide you with a full quote of all fees involved and most orthodontist should be able to provide payment plans.
7 - consultations - consultations should include reviewing medical history, treatment objectives, orthodontic needs, photographs, X-rays and a treatment plan with a recommendation on the treatment that could be the most beneficial to you.
8 - at home and post-treatment care. in case something happens between appointments to know if support is there and retention once the braces have been removed (and ensuring this is involved in your treatment plan and cost)
9 - relationship with dentist - the relationship between your orthodontist and dentist should be in open communication
10 - clinic environment - do you feel at ease? are the staff approachable? will you be happy spending the next year going there?

Good luck for your search for your orthodontist!! :D

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