Front tooth pain and pressure

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Front tooth pain and pressure

#1 Post by bracesat41 »

HI there
I had my braces put on my June 2nd. Ceramic Uppers and metal lowers. I also had 2 baby canines extracted. June 9th I had my adult canine exposure, and the button and chain put on. I am still healing from that and will see my Ortho next Monday to engage the chains. My concern (today as I seem to have a new one every day) is that one of my front teeth is feeling a lot of pressure -- like a pulling inwards - more than I have since I had the braces put on. its like it feels that the base of it is bruised almost. Is this normal?

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Re: Front tooth pain and pressure

#2 Post by WanderingWallflower »

The teeth is moving, so that will be normal. If it concerns you, contact your ortho.

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Re: Front tooth pain and pressure

#3 Post by Beckett »

Yep, normal. Oddly enough that feeling returns for me when I leave my elastics off for longer than a day. Weird.
Braces for 18 months/4 days.


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Re: Front tooth pain and pressure

#4 Post by Jason245 »

I found (especially during the begining) that all the pressure would be on 1 tooth for between a few hours and a day or 2 (I Infered that it was the most out of aligned tooth of the bunch) and then the pressure would move to another tooth (the new most out of aligned tooth), and everything would kind of move along until everything reached some form of alignment. Once that alignment happened (towards the middle of my treatment), I would experience different pressures depending on Elastics wear, Power chains and/or other similar things, and towards the very end (I have one month to go), the pressure was on my Molars for a chunk of time, and now I find it back on my front teeth.

All I can say is that pressure is good, the end results will be amazing, just make sure to do what they say, brush every time you put food/drink in your mouth (other than water) and floss every day. The last thing you want is to go through all this trouble only to have tooth decay problems.

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Re: Front tooth pain and pressure

#5 Post by bracesat41 »

ok. thank you! Strange that there was no pain, then lots yesterday and its subsided again.

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Re: Front tooth pain and pressure

#6 Post by katiedominique »

Yeah with me the pain definitely comes and goes.. Some days are so much worse, to be honest some hours are worse than others! I also get pain concentrated on my tooth so I guess it's normal!

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