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#1 Post by Squiddy »

I got my spacers put in (8 of them) last Monday, and some are loose, but I’ve noticed that the spacers are only loose on the bottom. One fell out and the tops are still touching, but near the bottom of the tooth, is this big space. Is it normal to only create space near the base of the tooth?

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Re: Spacers

#2 Post by Nozzelnut »

Depends on how they were put in; they should kind look like :


The part in blue being the spacer; )( are the 2 molar sides touching. The spacer is a donut; will slowly squeeze back to the original size; pushing molars apart. Molars aren't flat sided; they have a bulge in the middle and that's the part the spacer is opening. It's ok if they're loose or fall out; if you have you banding appointment within a couple days...

Hope that makes sense.
Round 3 (lifetime) Damon stainless applied 3/16/20 (after 4 weeks attempting invisalign) On for about 18 months
Night time elastics with invisalign retainers; still...
Double jaw surgery was 6/18/15...
Orthodontics never really ends...
I'm emphatically against extraction orthodontics!

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