Extraction ? Reverse extraction ? Advice pleasee

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Extraction ? Reverse extraction ? Advice pleasee

#1 Post by krystal7krystal7 »


As lots of people mentioned they suffered from sleep apnea after tooth extraction due to narrow jaw (?).. may I know when the symptoms of sleep apnea start ?? Like 6 months ? 10 months ? After closing the gaps or even before closing the gaps ?

I find myself having difficulty in breathing when lying flat or on the side.
But my gaps are still VERY huge. I haven't been wearing elastics for a month because i was on a long trip so there is just a tiny bit of movement.

The difficulty in breathing does not happen everyday.
But I am so scared because I notice difficulty in breathing more often as time goes.

So many questions..

It might be other health problem ?
Do you think closing the gap will make it worse ?
What kind of doctor should i see to know if I have sleep apnea or not ?
Should I tell my ortho that I want reverse the extraction ?
What do you go through if you reverse the extraction ?? (In detail please)

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Re: Extraction ? Reverse extraction ? Advice pleasee

#2 Post by assertives »

Sleep apnea can occur in people who did not have any extractions or any ortho work done. The fact that your gaps are still very huge may suggest your problem may not be due to extractions. But I'm no professional.

If you suspect you have sleep apnea, you can make an appointment to see a sleep specialist to get an evaluation. The sleep specialty team is multidisciplinary but typically, those who specialise in obstructive sleep apnea are usually pulmonologists (lung/respiratory doctors).

I would say, start with getting a sleep evaluation and see what happens before speaking to your ortho.

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