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Advice for tooth grinding

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 12:33 pm
by minmin
Hello, I'm 17 and I just got my braces 5 months ago and it's not going so well. I've had to go back to the orthodontist for repairs about 7 times now because I have one particular bracket that pops off from grinding my teeth in the middle of the night. I have an overbite and crowded bottom teeth. The orthodontist has done many things to help keep the bracket from coming off but they can't help my grinding. I was thinking about getting a night guard, but other than that, does anyone have any tips or advice to prevent grinding teeth? please help TT

Re: Advice for tooth grinding

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 5:21 pm
by AvalonD

I used to grind/clench my teeth real tight at night a lot before and when I first got my braces on. However, I had to get to the root of the problem (for me it was stress) in order to stop the grinding. You just have to figure out what is causing your grinding; it could be stress but more than likely it could also be because of your teeth being crooked/misaligned. As your bite gets better you could see the grinding stop.

Until then, if I was in your shoes, I would ask my ortho to build up some bite pads so you're grinding on the bite pads rather than directly on your bracket. Most orthos won't advise you to get a night guard, but if your ortho is willing you can bring up the subject!

Best of luck,
-Ava :rose: