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Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:35 am
by Squiddy
My powerchains fell off yesterday and today my teeth hurt so bad I can’t even touch them with my teeth. I called my ortho and scheduled an appointment, but it’s not for another 3 days 😩 is there anything I can do besides Tylenol? Is it normal to have this much pain from them falling off?

Re: Powerchains

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:36 am
by Squiddy
[quote=Squiddy post_id=502506 time=1527964551 user_id=31013]
My powerchains fell off yesterday and today my teeth hurt so bad I can’t even touch them with my teeth. I called my ortho and scheduled an appointment, but it’s not for another 3 days 😩 is there anything I can do besides Tylenol? Is it normal to have this much pain from them falling off?

Re: Powerchains

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 2:15 pm
by strinder
If you want to try and put it back on you can use dental floss to open the loops enough to put it back over the brackets. (I've only ever had the end of a powerchain unhook and I use three strands of floss, loop them in and pull them so it opens the section of the powerchain enough to hook around a bracket.) My ortho mentioned floss when my spacer came out at the beginning of my treatment and I said I had spent an evening using tweezers to get it back in.