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First powerchain and rectangular wire
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 10:52 am
by Gia
Had my most recent adjustment Saturday. Last month was difficult as I had stainless steel wires for the first time. They felt so tight that when he first tried them in February, I had to go back and he removed them and went back to the niti, the panic attacks increased so much. Did better the second try last month. Not as many panic attacks but the anxiety stayed high all month. But I managed and that's what matters! This time he left the stainless on top, but changed to a powerchain to close some gaps that formed. He changed to a 17x25 tma on the bottom, I think he said to address angles. He told me the tightness was going to be worse top and bottom with this. Usually he's pretty reassuring and will say, he doesn't think I'll notice a big difference. He suggested that we could do only one of the two, again going slower if I need. I opted to do both, as I don't want to be a "bad patient" and he said if I needed to change one back this week we could. I can't believe things could feel any tighter than they already have! I'm so anxious I couldn't even go to work this morning. But I don't want to go backwards, so hope I can manage the next 5 weeks. Are things going to keep getting so much tighter each time? Maybe I should listen when he wants to go slower and not give me a choice?
Re: First powerchain and rectangular wire
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 7:02 pm
by assertives
In my experience, things did go tighter after each appointment. For me, the tightness lasted for maybe a day or two, sometimes up to a week and then I no longer noticed it because the teeth have moved I guess. When I had to wear elastics, there was so much tension in my mouth that I didn't want to talk nor open my mouth. But that too will go away.
Hang in there! Take one step at a time.
Re: First powerchain and rectangular wire
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 7:24 pm
by Speck
You and I are in nearly the same boat, Gia. No elastomer chain(s) for me as yet, but rectangular wires top and bottom and twelve-going-on-eighteen weeks with 3mm super heavy elastics. Most recent appointment was last Wednesday and ugh. Anyway, like @assertives said, hang in there!
Re: First powerchain and rectangular wire
Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 5:47 am
by Gia
Wow Andy, sounds like you're moving quickly since the invisalign! I'm trying to take it a day at a time. The short term goal always to manage till the next adjustment

I try not to think ahead. My orthodontist tries to help in that regard, only making general statements about things needing to be "stiffer and more rigid" moving forward. He doesn't tell me what's next till he explains it that day. And he really does seem to think about how it will impact the anxiety and presents options. I don't know if elastics are in my future. I don't have an overjet. I have hooks on the molars and canines, so maybe. He did remove one molar hook on top that started to cut, saying he didn't think we would need it. My midline is off so I'm thinking I will have them at some point. Still amuses me that after having braces as a kid, I still didn't anticipate this was going to be such an arduous process! Got to envy all those kids who make this seem so easy, and sweat none of this! Fascinating.
Re: First powerchain and rectangular wire
Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 8:42 am
by Speck
Hi, Gia, your ortho is very thoughtful, indeed! Not knowing ahead of time exactly what the next appointment will bring likely reduces interim "spin"? Seems reasonable.
BTW, bravo for pushing it on the last appointment! Taking a day off work and allowing for the head to adjust makes really good sense. Perhaps, taking it can also be reward for toughing it out? Yes!
I wonder if kids really do tend to more effectively shrug off the discomfort of orthodontic treatment? Maybe so.
For me all is good during the office visits. However, around three hours later the internal whining begins.

Re: First powerchain and rectangular wire
Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 5:54 am
by djspeece
Agree with Andy. I have been out of braces for several years now, but recall that each adjustment - even if it was only the application of new powerchains -- resulted in tightness and discomfort. I tried to psych myself up and saw this discomfort as a positive thing, that the braces, elastics, and powerchains were actually working. And, once I got familiar with the routine, the discomfort was no longer novel and I knew what to expect. Pain is interesting in that way -- it's perceived as more severe if it is new and the cause is unknown. The most annoying aspect of the discomfort was its unrelenting nature for those first few days following an adjustment. For me, distractions helped -- working in the yard, exercising, and so forth. And, I was no stranger to ibuprofen when I was on my last nerve and wanted to eat something solid (and often prohibited). Best of luck to you!
Re: First powerchain and rectangular wire
Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 3:09 pm
by Speck
Fifteen months into it with traditional braces and had (top and bottom) heavier rectangular wires and new power-chains on two days ago; tightness and tender teeth. I hadn't given thought to the idea that braces could become more conspicuous over time, but they have done so; thicker, rectangular wires and chains. Duh.
I trust things are going well with your treatment, Gia?
Re: First powerchain and rectangular wire
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 1:38 pm
by desertd
Would agree. I look back at my teeth when I first got braces vs. now and the thicker wire makes a difference appearance-wise. Currently have .018x018 square wires on both top & bottom, a lot more visible than the .014 round wires I had to start with.