Braces BEFORE extractions?

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Braces BEFORE extractions?

#1 Post by bracefacev2 »

Hello everyone,

I am getting my top braces put on this upcoming Monday.
My orthodontist said he is going to put my braces on FIRST, THEN I will have 2 upper premolars pulled the week or two after..

Is that a normal occurrence?

Also, instead of having the the 2 FIRST premolars extracted, I'm having one first premolar, and a second premolar which doesn't seem to make sense to me.

I'll be bringing it up to my orthodontist on Monday, but just wondering if anyone here has experienced this.

Thanks so much.

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Re: Braces BEFORE extractions?

#2 Post by desertd »

I've heard of this. Not sure why they do if they're just going to take them out just a few weeks later. I've also heard of people having different teeth taken out than the usual because the one usually taken out is healthy & one of the adjacent isn't, etc. The two bicuspids are different sizes so it might be a midline thing too.

I'm supposed to be getting bicuspid extractions... eventually (I'm almost 4 months in myself). My ortho didn't say when but he says he wants to leave them in for now to help build my arch. I'm hoping that this will mean that I might not have to have mine out? Who knows?

Definitely ask your ortho about it.
Metal Damon braces on 3/27/2019 - Sentence 24-30 months - Class II overbite, crossbite. Braces removed 2/10/2022 (34.5 months), positioner since 3/2/2022. My story: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=54263

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Re: Braces BEFORE extractions?

#3 Post by pcspinheiro »

Be really sure you want to do the extractions! There are other ways to solve crowding, class II etc that do not the require the permanent loss of teeth or other facial/smile changes that you may not like. And it's really hard to deal with extraction regret, believe me!

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Re: Braces BEFORE extractions?

#4 Post by Nozzelnut »

Extraction orthodontics should be a last resort; not a first choice.

Just my personal opinion about it.
Round 3 (lifetime) Damon stainless applied 3/16/20 (after 4 weeks attempting invisalign) On for about 18 months
Night time elastics with invisalign retainers; still...
Double jaw surgery was 6/18/15...
Orthodontics never really ends...
I'm emphatically against extraction orthodontics!

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Re: Braces BEFORE extractions?

#5 Post by clh5086 »

If I have extractions it will be close to a year into my braces treatment. It seems awkward to me but we weren't sure of extractions in the beginning.

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Re: Braces BEFORE extractions?

#6 Post by desertd »

I am now 16 months in & I still haven't heard for sure that I'm not getting extractions. Hoping at this point it means I won't.
Metal Damon braces on 3/27/2019 - Sentence 24-30 months - Class II overbite, crossbite. Braces removed 2/10/2022 (34.5 months), positioner since 3/2/2022. My story: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=54263

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