Extended treatment

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Extended treatment

#1 Post by clh5086 »

Did your ortho charge more if the treatment time was extended significantly? Luckily mine will not, but I did sign an agreement in the beginning that if I needed to, additional costs may occur. I was just curious how this is for other offices!

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Re: Extended treatment

#2 Post by desertd »

Following. I don't remember anything in my contract about that but of course that doesn't mean it wasn't in there. Worried about that a bit because my molars are taking a while to fix and I'm worried about going over the quoted time. I was quoted 30 months and am paying for 32.
Metal Damon braces on 3/27/2019 - Sentence 24-30 months - Class II overbite, crossbite. Braces removed 2/10/2022 (34.5 months), positioner since 3/2/2022. My story: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=54263

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Re: Extended treatment

#3 Post by djspeece »

Mine did not, per the contract. My initial 2 year plan ended up being 3. I think most of them realize that the initial plan is really just an educated guess.

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Re: Extended treatment

#4 Post by assertives »

It wasn't in my contract explicitly that I have to pay if treatment overran, but it was indicated that my package included 18 + 2 visits (which works out to 1.5 years + the installation and debanding visits). My treatment ended up taking a year and 4 months longer than the initial estimate of 1.5 years. I wasn't charged for the additional time.

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Re: Extended treatment

#5 Post by Jethro »

During my previous round, treatment time was estimated at 18 months but took 30. There was no additional charge. My current round was estimated at 12 months, but I'm now in month 28. There's been no mention of additional fees (although I will be paying for an extra set of retainers).

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