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Chain troubles (they suck)

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 3:07 am
by soupeepee
Hi I'm a new person and i just really need some advice because idk what I'm supposed to be doing about my situation lmao. So, about four weeks ago I got brackets put on all four of my very back molars. That same week I had to go back in because the powerchain had popped off the back two on my top right hand side. Apparently they didn't put the second-to-last chain band on the whole tooth (only the top half) and it makes it really easy to just accidentally rip off. So, the ortho puts it on the whole tooth and sends me on my way. Figured it was the end of that.
I have been back at least once every week since then because the other side keeps coming off!! I was literally brushing my teeth tonight and whoops, there it goes. But every time I go back they refuse to put it on the whole bracket, saying 'It's just part of it.' and that 'I should be eating softer foods.' Ffs it came off in my sleep once.
What should I do???

Re: Chain troubles (they suck)

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 12:34 pm
by djspeece
Is it the techs who are telling you "That's just the way it is, etc."? Because that sounds crazy to me. And while the ortho may not think it's a big deal, you are spending a lot of time going to and from unnecessary appointments. The techs may be cutting corners because for them it may be too much work to do it the right way. It might be worthwhile to have the ortho teach you how to do it yourself using a dental mirror -- but I'd make sure he/she knows what advice you have been told by the techs. Most of the techs were pretty good at the practice I used (one had been an RN in South America and had excellent eye-hand coordination [disclaimer: I am an RN and look for these things]) but others seemed a bit clumsy and lackadaisical. You shouldn't have to put up with that and I'm guessing the ortho is not aware of this sort of thing, but really should be told.
Best of luck to you.

Re: Chain troubles (they suck)

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 5:34 pm
by soupeepee
In terms of her skills and how she does things, my ortho is quite efficient and I've never had a problem like this with her before. I'd assume she's just dismissing it because she's busy, but it's just so difficult for me to travel to a different town everytime I have a mishap. She also hasn't exactly told me why she's refusing to put the chain on properly - which is one of the main reasons why I'm a bit mad. Going in to get it fixed again soon so hopefully we can have a proper chat. Thanks for the advice :)

Re: Chain troubles (they suck)

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 9:20 am
by djspeece
Good luck with it in any event. If she's that busy, you'd think she'd want to avoid unplanned visits to reposition the chain. I would be interested in her explanation.

Re: Chain troubles (they suck)

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 8:18 am
by trifecta
Sorry you are having these problems. It seems a bit odd that the powerchains keep coming off. I have had part of one of the links come
loose from either the top or bottom half of the bracket a time or two in which case you just need to stretch the ring back around the wings
of the bracket but I have never had the end of the chain come loose from the molar bracket. Sometimes molar brackets are not full winged
brackets but smaller tube type brackets with a small hook on them. As such the circumference of the bracket is not a big and the undercuts
of the bracket wings are not present so the ring of the chain is not as stretched but the hook should hold the back end of the chain in place.
I have had a chain in place for the past several months and have not had your problems. They do have heaver stronger chains (no colors, just gray)
that I have been wearing since the lighter chains weren't closing the space, possibly that would help??? Good luck!