Removing braces before all adjustments done

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Removing braces before all adjustments done

#1 Post by Justme64 »

My orthodontist, after 16 months, is forcing me to get my braces removed. He has been difficult to deal with the entire time, not listening to me, and in the end not doing what he said he would do/goal of treatment. I am very uncomfortable with teeth too compressed on the right and in the front. The entire reason I went into braces was I had a deep bite and was too restricted in the front as a result. He has dismissed every thing I have brought up during treatment, and now I am very restricted in the front and right corner at canine and first premolar. He lectured me saying I expected too much out of orthodontia, and it was difficult to get fine tuned with wire bends. I’ve had braces before, that’s why they were the way they were, a previous not so great ortho. It’s a very long story, and I can go into more detail if anyone is interested, but that’s the crux of it. I am beyond pissed and frustrated. I M due to get them off the 31st. I am thinking of calling and getting the, taken off next week if he has an appointment because every dang time they retie or change my power chain (due to retyping differently each time) they just cause shifting and more discomfort. My husband is so angry at the situation, any it is very distracting to me due to jaw discomfort and facial discomfort from interferences with my bite. It’s a no win situation. Getting him to do more is not an option. My dentist called him last week before I saw him, and he told her he was making no more wire bends and taking me out of ortho. Any advise? Thanks.

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Re: Removing braces before all adjustments done

#2 Post by djspeece »

Wow, sorry to hear this. My only suggestion, which I am sure you have considered, is a second opinion. I have read here from time to time about patients who were not satisfied with the final results, and in some cases it seemed that their expectation may have been perfection, which is difficult to achieve. I suspect that some orthos are not as candid as they should be during that initial consultation and this creates a gap in expectations vs. what is actually achievable. What is the plan for retainers? But in any event, another look by an independent ortho would probably be helpful. Best of luck to you.

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Re: Removing braces before all adjustments done

#3 Post by trifecta »

Hi Justme64, very sorry to hear you are having these issues. I would agree with Dan that a second opinion might be helpful. What does your general dentist think of your bite and what was the reason that your general dentist contacted your orthodontist? If your general dentist regularly refers patients to your orthodontist asking her opinion of your result could be a little awkward for her. If you have other orthodontists in your area transferring could be an option. In that case be sure that all of your financial obligations to your current orthodontist are met, if not transferring can be problematic. Best of luck and again, I am very sorry to hear of your problems.

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