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The pain is literally going to kill me. (spacers)

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 6:37 am
by ewwmagnet
Hi there,

This is my third day of spacers and I feel like the pain is becoming worse and worse. All of my teeth feel like they are being pushed to the front of my mouth, I'm taking asprin but besides that what else can I do to take my mind off of this horrid pain? If the spacers pain are this bad I'm really beginning to fear braces which I get on right after these horrid things are removed :(

I hate spacers!

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 7:08 am
by JN_Woods
I had my spacers put in on Wednesday, so I'm at day 3 also. Mine still hurt (especially when trying to eat something kinda chewy) but not like they did the morning after. I keep taking my Advil every 4-5 hours but it's not getting all of the pain. When I'm not sitting there thinking about my teeth, spacers, etc and just doing stuff around the house or running errands they don't bother me.

I have heard (from this site and my ortho) that the spacers are the worst part of the entire braces process.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 7:10 am
by decisionmade
Although I am not braced yet i have had spacers twice..ugh! so I can trealte but I've been told by everyone that spacers are worse than braces!!..good luck!

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 7:29 am
by mackenzie
I have had mine over a week now and they don't hurt anymore, but the 2nd day was REALLY bad. I went to a waterpark and kept busy the rest of the day, that helped me to not think about it.

That night I went to Old Country Buffet, that was torture! All those good foods and my teeth hurt so bad! Anyway I found that really hot and cold mushy foods helped. Like eating cooked mushy carrots was soothing and eating cold rice pudding numbed the pain.

Let me know if your teeth look more crowded from the spacers. Mine have gotten pretty bad.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 7:43 am
by JN_Woods
mackenzie, I can't believe you went to a buffet with spacers. Yikes! I'm worried about going out to dinner with my boyfriend and his family in a couple days. I guess I'll have soup!

I agree that hot soft foods feel good. I had a chicken pot pie from KFC yesterday and I was fine (be careful with the crust and chicken). I ate the vegetables and my teeth were happy.

Yes, my teeth are more crowded than they were before, especially my bottoms. At least we're all getting braces put on soon to help with all the moving the spacers are doing!

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 7:57 am
by fins
The spacers will eventually feel better, just go with the soft foods while they hurt. My lower spacers NEVER hurt at all. Hang in there.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 8:02 am
by JN_Woods
Yeah, my uppers are the ones bothering me. I guess my lowers aren't at all. Hmmmm....I hadn't even realized that.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:59 am
by spragers
I'm nearing the end of my braces journey, andthe initial spacers were STILL the worst part of the entire process. Except for that one adjustment when I just about jumped out of the chair ;)

In other words, hang in there, it WILL get better :)

Spacers are the worst part

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 11:17 am
by csblackburn
I've only been in braces for 10 days now. Spacers were terrible for me as well as I had 12 of them jammed in my teeth. It was extremely difficult to chew for the whole week and I can relate with the pain you feel. The real problem with mine were the force they were trying to exact against my wisdom teeth as they had nowhere to go except into the end of my jaw. The spacers worked to get 6 of the 8 bands on, but I will be getting a couple more spacers in a few weeks now that my wisdom teeth are gone in order to get the last two bottom bands on.

Unfortunately, they really do suck. Do whatever you can to make it through.


Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 7:02 pm
by Stellar
My spacers have been a royal pain too, but I'm looking forward to the end result..... A GREAT SMILE!! :HugeGrin: I do hope these spacers are the worst part of our journey though, like I've read from several other posts.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 7:32 pm
by TuZZi
The 2 times I had to get spacers in, I was told by every other patient in the office at the time that the spacers were the WORST part of treatment. There was a 10 year old in there that said the spacers sucked big time, and his braces haven't hurt at all compared to the spacers.

I think the main thing is trying to keep your mind off of the pain. I barely ever think of my teeth when I'm busy at work, but when I'm bored and sitting at home, it's on my mind frequently. Just try to keep busy, and stay positive... the spacers are just the beginning.


Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 2:43 am
by WolfmanXII
I have had braces for 1 year and 3 months. I also just got elastics on an 2 power chains. The pain of anything on my braces do not come close to the pain of the spacers. The spacers are most definately the worst part of getting braces.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:12 pm
by BraceUrself
I don't yet have my spacers either but I will agree with everyone about them being the worst part because thats what I've heard & been told also! In my paperwork from my Ortho, it says that it is NORMAL to feel like your teeth are being pushed forward & on the bottom of the page it says, "remember, Spacers are usually the worst part of getting the braces so hang in there!"

Take your meds & stay focused & positive-Your teeth will lok great & you won't regret it! :wink:

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 5:51 pm
by lilleth
Well, I got 4 spacers (around 1st molars on bottom) today and so far no pain. It took 2 techs and 4 hands to get one of them in, so I thought I might be in for a bad time. But I have to say that my top braces have hurt very little, so maybe I'm lucky (this time around - when I had braces 32 years ago I hurt nonstop for several years).

I'm just still worried about grinding my teeth at night with no night guard once the bottoms go on.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:42 pm
by wating4braces
Hmm... well, my spacer experience was different than all of those... :D I first got my spacers put in, all that was wrong at first was that annoying feeling of having food stuck in your teeth. It started hurting a teeny bit later, but still mostly ok. Later, we went to the mall and i got a subway with lots of hard and crunchy onions and green peppers. it felt SOO good to chew something! Still to pain. About 8 days later i went and got my spacers taken out (heaven!) to get bands for my expanders fitted. When they were done, i got new ones put in. wow. I sure as hell felt THOSE in about an hour. It hurt sooo bad and i was NOT expecting that. Whee, mashed potatoes for me. The pain lasted for a while. It wasn't a constant pain after the first couple of days. It was MORE annoying than a constant pain, actually. I woke up one morning and the spacers didn't hurt, so i thought, yay i can have real food for breakfast! Heh heh, not. So i bit down on a HARD piece of bacon. I screamed sooo loud my parents thought it was still hot or something. Anyway, it wasn't a constant pain after a while, but i couldn't eat anything. GOod luck with your braces!