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My New Toys

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 1:28 pm
by amychelle
Does anybody else play with thier braces?

I've constantly got a finger or my tounge in there touching them, or wrapping my lips around them (that's probably hard with bottom braces too, I only have tops.) I've had them for two weeks, and although they don't annoy me as much anymore, I still play with them all the time. I have a spacer spring making room to pull a canine up and I play with it most - touching it with my finger - if that booger gets ahold of my tounge it pinches! When I'm not "in public" I also push on my teeth and wiggle the loose ones.

I used to bite my nails but I can't anymore, so I found a new hobby. (My nails look so much better too!)

My buddies tease me sometimes..."Stop playing with them!" or "Get your hands outta your mouth!"

Just wondering how many other people have this (unsanitary) habit.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 2:11 pm
by Chr1ssy711
I also constantly and playing or have my hands in my mouth. either feeling were they are poking me.. putting wax it. or just feeling the brackets...i dunno its boss always walks in my office and just gives me this look coz my whole hand will be in my mouth and ill be like straining to do ohwell

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 2:12 pm
by BraceFace13
Fortunatley, I don't have that problem... the idea of putting my finger in my mouth doesn't appeal to me. :yuck:


Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 2:17 pm
by HollyDontSpend
Yes! Sometimes I think I am going to pop off a bracket with my tounge. LOL!
And, I am always checking to see if any of the "little doors" are open.