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I have jumped aboard the brace-face bandwagon!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 3:26 pm
by Stephanie
I'm Stephanie (no way!) and just turned 18 this past Sunday so I guess I can offically say I'm adult. Do I feel like one? Not at all. :P Anyway..

After needing braces for quite a few years I finally got them this morning. The process went very smooth, the only pain being that of the blue light which really burned my gums. They don't look so bad up close but far away I look a little funny. I feel really awkward talking and find myself covering my mouth a lot. Smiling is something I refuse to do around anyone else. I also haven't eaten since this morning because I'm afraid. :P

A picture for anyone interested:

Now, I have a question. I was planning on taking my little sister to the movies tonight and I was wondering, if I was careful, would it be all right to eat popcorn? There's really no pain, just a little pressure.

Thanks. :)

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 3:59 pm
by csblackburn
Just say "No" to popcorn unless you want to spend the next day digging corn shells out of your braces.

Congratulations on joining the rest of us. I've been braced for almost 3 weeks now and I went through the same things you are. I'm still having a hard time smiling as I'm still self conscious about people seeing them. Talking is still strange for me and the "f" sounds sound a little slurred as I still have no idea where to put my upper lip on my upper braces. Plus, if you get too close you may end up with a shower after too many "f" sounds.

As for eating, you'll find yourself brushing after every meal or you'll be eating it for the rest of the day as it just keeps on giving. I carry around a G.U.M. go between to get the food out after every meal when I'm not at home. Wait until you try flossing. :P

Good luck and welcome.

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 5:22 pm
by **shinyhappybraceface**
Congratulations, and welcome.

I advise against the popcorn...what a nightmare! :cry:

(I can't say they didn't warn me, but I couldn't bear the thought of not eating my last bag of microwave kettle corn for 18 months!) :oops:

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 5:43 pm
by alexa
I still eat popcorn sometimes... :oops:

Sometimes, pleasure is worth the pain! :-}


Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 6:10 pm
by Stephanie
Haha well I tried eating popcorn anyway. That was... extremely weird. I can't chew like I used to, nor can I taste it all as much. I'm trying to eat my dinner right now, fish and rice, and I think most of this is ending up in my braces rather than my stomach. :P

I'll have fun cleaning everything when I'm done.:P

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 10:47 pm
by bbsadmin
Ah yes, you see you're never hungry when you have braces on your teeth, because you always have enough stuck in there for another meal! :lol:

But seriously, popcorn is for a more "advanced" braces wearer (3 months plus). Those little shells are like daggers when they get between your brackets! I did eat popcorn when I had braces, but I was really careful to only eat the ones with completely popped kernels ( I looked over each piece carefully). Most of the time it was kind of uncomfortable so I never ate very much at once. :roll:

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 11:38 pm
by caryca
yep, I find it really 'not intresting' to eat any of the chrunchy things: nachos or chips (crisps :wink: ) there are...... apart of geting stuck...testless, I am not sure why :(

any way welcome on board :D

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 6:33 am
by Tin Man
I've been braced almost a year now and I eat pretty much everything I used to, even popcorn. BUT, I won't eat popcorn unless I'm at home because I don't want to have to disgust everyone I smile at afterward.

PS - The one thing that kills me at the movies is milk duds. I always used to get milk duds at the movies, but I won't even think about eating them now.

Jumping on the badwagon

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 9:19 am
by Rebraced
I guess I am a long for the ride with you. I get mine put on next Tueseday. This should be an interesting adventure. I guess hot wings are out of the question for a while???

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 1:18 pm
by Stephanie
My orthodontist said hot wings are okay if you take the meat off the bone first. But with braces on at first you'll probably rather starve than eat anything :P Or at least that's how I'm feeling.

I hope all goes well next Tuesday. :D

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:23 am
by Rebraced
Starve...One reason I didn't get Invisalign was because I snack all day. I decided on regular braces so I could eat without taking them out all the time. I guess what you are saying is that I better plan on getting some soft food in the house before Tueseday. What are you eating anyway? I see next week is going to suck big time (lol).