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I think I'm gonna cry :(

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 9:52 am
by S_Ranger
Todays appt went totally wrong and threw my expectations off big time. I went in for a cleaning today and was expecting braces wed. The doc already had me scheduled and stuff. But now he changes his mind at the last minute and wants my records done all over again. Spacers are put in my mouth again, x-rays are done, now instead of braces wed. I'm getting molds done to be sent to the lab which is gonna take 2-4 weeks and on top of that my teeth are ugly! I've had this retainer I've been wearing since I had my braces taken off. Wore it everyday. It made my teeth look better for some reason. Now it's off and I feel like crap. I think about wearing it still but I have spacers in the back molars. Do you think it's cool?

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 1:33 pm
by Lexy
I don't think you should continue wearing the old retainer. The spacers are used to create spaces between your molars. The retainer could close those spaces back up, and that would defeat the purpose of wearing the spacers.

Anyway, chin up. You're experiencing a minor setback by not getting your braces just yet, but it'll happen soon, and you'll be happier with your teeth once it does. Good luck.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 1:35 pm
by Lexy
Re-reading your post, I'm a little confused about something. You said you were wearing a retainer. Does that mean you've had braces before? And if you wore your retainer every day, as you said in your message, why do you need braces again?

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 2:40 pm
by S_Ranger
I wasn't done w/my treament when I they were taken off. I had to go to basic training and braces weren't allowed. Still though, this retainer has been on my teeth everyday for the past 2 years. I kinda got used to it and I'm self consious w/out it. :(

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:05 am
by S_Ranger
Thanks, when I read words of encouragemnt I can't help but think positive. I just can't be myself when it comes to messed up teeth. I dunno, I feel all good by myself right now, just w/my co workers I'm afraid to smile. I put my retainer back on :cry: :oops: :cry:

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 4:02 am
by Lexy
I really wouldn't do that... you might hinder your treatment. :(

If you're still set on wearing that old retainer, call your ortho and make sure it's ok, and that it won't do more harm than good. I do have a feeling that he/she will tell you not to wear it though.

But just think: You've only got a couple weeks left with your teeth the way they are. After that, you get your braces on and before you know it, your chompers will be straight again. You can do it. You've done it before. Just have patience and keep your final goal (that beautiful, straight smile) in mind.