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Butterflies Before Being Braced

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 6:52 am
by mmgreco
Ok, so I am getting braces in 6 days. I thought I was over the whole "I'm too scared to do this" thing. Last night I told my husband that today I am going to cancel my appointment. He said he didn't think so!!!
I am so nervous about this big there anybody else out there that had those feelings before getting their braces put on? How did you get over it? I think I may care way too much what others think of me ( I think it's an appearence thing)

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 7:19 am
by Geri
Hi mmgreco - I can totally relate to how you are feeling...I get braces on 3 Oct and have thought more than once that I must be crazy, that my teeth aren't "that" bad, is it going to be worth the pain?, what will I feel like going for an interview in braces?, will it be gross when I go out to dinner with people and get food caught, how will it affect my kissing!? All these and more concerns - but this board has really helped, and being prepared is half the battle! I now know that if my tounge gets sore from inner brackets then it could be because they weren't filed down like they should be, and what to do if (when, by the sounds of it) I get mouth ulcers. Knowledge is power right!? And I too care about how I look. I have wavered between thinking braces look cool (as in "isn't she great to do this for herself as an adult") on other people and "but this is MY mouth"!

The bottom line for me is that there was a woman on the TV the other night with ceramic uppers and I was feeling "wooo hooo - you go girl"! And they didn't look bad - she glowed - and braces won't stop that! So underneath my fears I am really all for them and I think that keeping an eye on the goal of lovely straight teeth, reading and posting to this board, and just thinking "I am doing this for me" will take care of those pesky butterflies. Confidence will help carry them off (and if I don't feel confident then I will fake it until I do)! :) The bottom bottom line - don't wait! Sooner on, sooner off! Good luck!!

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 9:48 am
by jennielee81
Your feelings are normal! Don't give into them :!: :!: As real as they are, they're distructive!!

I felt a little like that myself but I just put myself into "auto pilot" and went through with it. While I was walking into the ortho's office I realized that I was actually excited!

I was so proud that I didn't back out and as Geri said, I did it for myself.

Realize that your feelings are quite normal and that you can (and should) just push through them.

Let us know how it goes!

Best of luck and best wishes to you. :-#)

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 10:32 am
by Rebraced
mmgreco, I just had mine put on Tueseday and have not had any problems with people noticing. Actually I made a game of it and sat right next to people holding a conversation and no one ever noticed. When I did show them because they were all wondering why I was eating a sandwich with a knife and fork, they seemed jelous.
I am really excited about the outcome and getting bold with colors next time. Definitely don't back out. It is so worth it. Have fun with it and keep us updated.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:17 am
by Dee
Definately go for it. I was braced on monday and like you was concerned about the reactions of other people and generally worried about the whole thing. Well only a few people have noticed the ceramic uppers and their reactions have been supportive and posititve. I am doing this for my dental health and as a by product will gain a nicer smile. Win-win situation! This board is a great source of information and support, it makes you realise that there are others going through similar difficulties. Good luck in your decision.

Smile loud and be proud

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 1:01 pm
by LiveWire
I know exactly how you are feeling mmgreco....I am being braced on top on the 28th of this month and I am nervous and anxious and excited all in one. But it is a huge step in your life to make things better for yourself..whether it is a medical or esthetic reason...who really cares? And who are other people to pass judgement on you? Everyone is different and entitled to their own opinion and their own choices...that is what makes life so interesting. :P

I can identitfy with the idea of what people think (I deal with the public all day in my job) but you should be proud of your decision and smile proudly knowing how beautiful your smile will be.... :pinkbraces:

Congratulaitons on starting this important journey in your won't regret it! :lol:

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 1:36 pm
by decisionmade
Well the previous posts have said it all!! I just can't til brace day ..I am way more excited than scared right now..6 more days!!

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:05 pm
by mmgreco
I just wanted to post and say how awesome you guys are!!!! are totally right, it's either now or in who knows how many years. I just as well do it now. Your post was not a lecture it was just what I needed to hear! Thank you!!!

Geri....Sooner on Sooner off is excatly right! And I shouldn't care what other people think but that is a problem I have been dealing with for years. Who knows maybe the whole "braces" thing will help me get over it.

jennielee81....I understand my feelings are normal, especially after reading all the posts on here. I guess I am not as wierd as I thought. I am going to put myself on auto pilot and go through with this.

Rebraced....They didn't even notice your braces!?! And I am also quite surprised that you could eat a sandwich 3 days after getting them on. I heard its jello, cream of wheat, and pudding for the first couple of weeks.

Dee....I am ready for this! You're right it is a win-win situation. And now that I got 6 teeth pulled I kind of have to go through with this or I am going to look toothless for the rest of my life.

LiveWire....I know what you mean by nervous and excited. There are so many emotions that come along with getting braces, I never would have imagined!!!

decisionmade....We are getting braced on the same day as we have said before..we can do it together!!!!

I just want to say thank you to everybody who posted on here, you all made me feel better about braces and I am definately going to go through with it scared or not!!!!!

Here are a dozen thank you's to all who have helped me through all the emotions:
:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 9:31 am
by mmgreco
Ok today is the big day...I am so excited!! In 2 1/2 hours I am getting my braces on. :D

Good luck and Congratulations!

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:02 am
by LiveWire
All the best for your big day...hoepfully you are not too sore tonight and tomorrow...but as KK suggests..warm salt water rinses really DO help and use lots of wax from the getgo..I didn't the first night and then I am a little sore now from the rubbing of my lips on my brackets...

Let us know how it all goes for you! :thumbsup:

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:28 am
by decisionmade
mmgreco! good luck today!! just got back from getting mine on..I look forward to haearing how it went for you...I'm feeling pretty good right now but have been warned of the pain to come...Again..good luck to you!

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:50 am
by Rebraced
Congratulations mmgreco and decisionmade, I bet you are all excited about starting your new journey. Keep us up to date.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:18 pm
by Geri
Hurrah, decisionmade and mmgreco....really happy for you to have finally arrived at the big day! :-*

No more waiting and wondering - fantastic! I have a couple more days....can't wait until Monday when these 'orrible spacers come out and the braces go on. Keep us posted with your progress.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 4:35 pm
by decisionmade
so mmgreco? how did it go??..and Geri are you just going crazy waiting for monday??..

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 8:33 pm
by mmgreco
My teeth hurt SOOOO bad today! My molars in the back are killing me!! I can't eat and can hardly even brush my teeth they hurt so bad. How are your's doing DM? :?