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Greetings I'm a newbie

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 12:38 pm
by Al Carter

Last Tuesday I had two teeth extracted and braces put on. I have an overbite and hope to lessen it's affect through braces. I hate photographs of myself and hate my overbite so I'm hoping for great things. I'm worried that I'm hoping for too great things.

I'm 38 married woman - call this my mid-life crisis.

When I went to get my braces on, the orthodontist who had been seeing me through the consult and the spacers was not there and a new ortho who I'd never seen before was preparing to put on the braces - I freaked out. I was so annoyed they never told me it would be someone different. I had a mini melt down and then recovered. The original ortho called me that night from FLORIDA! He was on vacation - I was annoyed but there was nothing I could do.

Well at least I've established myself as high maintenance and neurotic : )

My mouth is still sore but not overly so - I miss crunching and chewing and have lost 3lbs this week.

I am nervous and am due to go back in next week for a bar to keep the back teeth from moving forward - I imagine more pain will ensue.

Anyway - this is a GREAT forum and I look forward to sharing your journeys and talking about mine.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 1:50 pm
by LoobyLou
Welcome aboard...look forward to hearing your stories and experiences also!!


Welcome Al!

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 6:02 pm
by LiveWire
Hello and welcome to one of the greatest places to sit and chat with many new friends...I am sure that you will find this forum very helpful and reassuring when you have questions, need advice or just need to vent! :lol:

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 6:39 am
by Geri
Hi Al Carter - nice to meet you! :D Looking forward to sharing the journey with you!

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:56 am
by Al Carter
Thansk for the welcome.

So far so good with the braces - I've had minimal pain or discomfort so have nothing much to report except that Iam still loosing weight from cutting out bread, chips and other chewy munchy things from my diet.

Because I now have to think about what I put in my mouth, I no longer snack.

To everything there is a bright side!