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Wire ties AND ligs???

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:11 pm
by wating4braces
I think I have wire ties and ligs. The assistant put the archwire on and then thin wire. She took two of the thin wires and twisted them and then put the ligs on. Is it common to have both of these on? I have heard that the wire ties apply more pressure, so why would there be ligs and wire ties? Maybe i am confusing the ties w/ something else i dont know.


Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:53 pm
by peanut

I've had wire ties and ligs at the same time. The hygenist who put them on me said that I didn't need the ligs on top of the ties, but she was going to put them on anyway, because I had an alternating color pattern with the ligs, and she didn't want to ruin that.

That might be what is happening with you. They might just be trying to keep things looking nice and even in your mouth. I was also warned that the ligs might come off of the teeth with the wire ties, and not to be concerned if it happened, because the ties are still there doing their job.

I hope everything else went well with your adjustment...

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 3:13 pm
by wating4braces
Yes, Everything went fine. It was kind of weird, my teeth were hurting really bad at first and i was afraid i wasn't gonna be able to eat the baked chicken we were having for dinner, but they didn't hurt at all when i was eating! :D This Might be ok after all!


Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 3:55 pm
by DaisyMay66
Not uncommon to have both. The ligs just make the braces more comfortable (less sharp). At the moment, I have wire ties and power chains.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 10:46 pm
by mtbrncofn
I had a wire tie put on 2 adjustments ago and a lig slapped over it also. It was to help rotate a canine a bit, he said. Seems to have worked and I can't even tell it's there.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 8:14 am
by Chocoholic

At the first adjustment for my bottom braces I've been given wire ties and ligs on the four twisted front teeth which seems to be pulling them straighter, even though I wasn't ready for a stronger wire. Amazing how just little things here and there start to make the difference.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 9:20 am
by Aine

Just got back from my second adjustment and my ortho put wire ties on 2 top teeth that need to be turned a little....he did not cover with ligs since I have just been getting the clear ones. The good news is that instead of going back in 6 weeks for my next adjustment, he has pushed me up to 4 weeks because my teeth are moving so quickly!!! I had 2 top extractions and it is absolutly amazing how much my teeth have moved to fill in the gaps. My ortho told me that I will not be getting power chains yet because he needs all teeth to be positioned correctly before he goes for the total gap closing.

I have never regretted getting braced at 47 for one second and even after 9 weeks in braces I still can't stop looking in the mirror at my teeth!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 10:54 am
by Rebraced
I never herd of wire ties and ligs used together before. It sounds like a good idea to keep things more comfortable. I have just wire ties because of my clear brackets and it seems like you can feel the brackets more than with ligs. Has anyone else had the same feeling? Also I am getting more and more brave and would like to try colors. I thought with the wire ties I would not be able to express myself with colors but if I can put ligs over the wire ties I'll be able to go crazy.