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Recalcitrant Tooth - 12 months in

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:01 am
by Smajmouth
At my next appt I shall be 12 months into my treatment ( with an estimated further 8 months to go)

So far, so good. Great results on the bottom where I now have plastic powerchains to close the gaps and pull my now straight teeth together.

On the top, a great arch forming apart from, that is, one ornery bugger of a tooth that, after a year, innumerable months with a spring and much wishing and hoping, is still the one hold out to a perfect top set.

Will it ever move? has anyone else got this problem?

I noticed that there is a little dement overlapping between the braket on this tooth and the next tooth. is that stopping it from moving?


Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:54 am
by merrily

The exact same thing happened to me, except it was a lower incisor that was severely rotated. I've been in braces a year and 8 months now, and at my last appointment they were FINALLY able to fully engage the bracket on that tooth; before, it was so rotated that the ligature couldn't go around all 4 "posts." I was always able to floss that tooth before braces, but once I got braces, I couldn't. Three springs were put on to create space, but a gap was only created on one side of the tooth, so they still couldn't rotate it back (the gap would reclose each time, hence the three springs). Finally, two adjustments ago, they popped off that bracket and were able to take a good look. Turns out there was either cement or plaque, I'm not sure, that prevented me from flossing there. The assistant cleaned it with that pointy hook tool (I'd had several cleanings in that time span, but I guess they couldn't remove the cement/plaque because the bracket was in the way) and the ortho reproxed it a tiny bit. They rebracketed that tooth (the bracket was purposely positioned so that it would be easier to engage in the wire) and now it looks like it's on its way to being straight.
So, don't give up hope! I'm sure your ortho will address that stubborn tooth in due time.